The Gamer and the Play.

I chose not to be a bitter person even after connecting the tiny dots of cues he left here and there, I chose not to bleed on others - after all, I wasn't hurt by them. I chose not to write other people off from my life - no two humans are the same just that, I sometimes wish one can get to recognise a bad egg from a distance not until, its been broken. I chose to be all matured about what happened, I took it all in even though, it was quite a lot to handle as a teenager however, I knew I was done, yeah! done with being caught in the web of youthful exuberance, so done!


Pressing phone was kind of an hobby for me then, not until recently that have gat enough on my table to deal with. There was this small Nokia phone my dad bought for me just to put an end to my whining for a browsable handset after months of being on his neck. In this part of the world, 2go was the web 2 social media that was in vogue just like how WhatsApp is now. Virtually everyone was on that space except, for adults that had other better avenue for whiling away time. I was there too and my username then was, Loveth15127. It was there I met Mike, it was there he found me.

It happened during one of those nights,when I was done for the day and had retired my lazy bones on my seven inches student mattress, to weary out my phone keypads. My chatting buddies weren't actively online at that moment thus, I resorted to viewing status until they return. While I was on with that, a message popped in from a unknown number, I found it strange because I'm not the kind to give out my phone numbers carelessly but I responded to the chat anyways - apparently, none of my friends was online to chat me perhaps, this is Heaven's response to a damsel in distress, so I thought.

Myself and Mike chatted into the dawn of another day that night, needless to say,we were too engrossed with getting to know each other better. He explained how have been on his radar for a while and how he has been paying a keen attention to me but he couldn't approached because,I always wore a gloomy face whenever he sighted me and that, somehow scared him off.
Who now gave you my number?I asked him.
I will like to keep that in close darkness,he replied. I decided not to beat over that but rather enjoy the company of my new found acquittance.

Things moved faster between us than I ever envisaged, I couldn't forestalled it because I was enjoying the attention, care and concerns Mike was giving me however, Mike's curiosity about me grew worse by the day, he wanted to meet with me but I kept dodging it because I knew I didn't have a perfect excuse to excuse myself from home.
"Okay! Send me your address, let's meet up this Saturday" I finally gave in.

I alighted at the address he gave me but he wasn't there to pick me up, I was furious about that but tried to calm myself down just like an understanding friend would be.
"He must have his reasons for doing that"
"Something must have came up", I wanted to believe so. I picked up my phone and called him.
"Hello Dee!"
"I'm sorry,I couldn't pick you up. Kindly, cross to the other side of the road,the bungalow painted with wine color is where I live. Enter inside but use the back door instead, my room is the first room you will see by your left. Don't knock, just enter, the door is not locked", Mike said. Obviously,that was enough red flags because who the hell invites a friend to his home only to tell her to use the back door?That was enough smoke but I ignored it since,it hasn't turned to fire.

Upon entering the room, the atmospheric condition of the room was cozy while a genres of song was playing off his radio set. There was Mike, laying on his bed half- naked and was only putting on a short. I need no one to tell me what Mike had planned for my visit, I took to my heels before the unthinkable happened.
I later got to know from my cousin that I was just another cast in his scripted plays but got lucky for not being publicised as one of his feats.

© Medemausi

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