Souls athirst.

Torn between peace and left pieces, Danny returned home with an heart heaved with burden. The gloomy face he wore upon his entrance into the sitting room shew he had no better News than the one we were familiar with - His retrenchment. Apparently, Danny had spent his peak years with the Idanna Global Enterprise, he got the job offer from them, shortly after his National Youth Service Corp and had spent exactly five years until, they suddenly dropped the bomb. Clearly, the present global recession affecting several thriving industries, firms and organizations in Nigeria, took a toil on Idanna also. Consequently, they couldn't keep up with payment of salaries to some of their top tier employees so, they had to downsize. He was among the many unlucky employees that received the sudden blow - the termination of their employment contracts and ever since his lay off, he hasn't been able to secure another one. For months, it been a roller coaster of unsettling emotions - putting his hope on and off.


"Any good News"? I intriguing asked Danny.
"It's the usual my dear", he unexcitingly replied while he threw his credentials file bag on the couch across where he was about to sat on.
"The usual you mean"?I further asked him cuelessly, excusing where I was seated to where he sat.


" Dee, I'm tired! I'm tired of trying, I'm tired of dressing up just to hear no for an answer, I'm tired opening offices with high expectations but exiting
them with my head bowed in disappointment, it's exhausting or don't you know"?Daniel asked while he swiftly turned his face away just to clean the tears trying to force their way to his cheeks,he couldn't hold them back anymore, I have never seen him in that light.
Have seen him laughed,
have seen him smile
have seen him cheerful
have seen him hopeful
have seen him carefree
have seen him sad
have seen him struggle
but never have I seen him cry.

"Put your burden on me,I can carry that much".
"Tell me your worries, there's always solution with me"."Share your pain with me, you can lean on me as we both walk through it, don't live life alone,when you've gat me in your corner"......
He is all that to us, his siblings and people around him,
he is a super hero but without a cape.

"Sometimes, even the strongest at heart become feebleminded and the strongest in might sometimes find it difficult to take a step without the aid of a walking stick", I knew I needed to help him through this dark stage of his life but I was confused about how to come in.
I opened my arms and forced him inside, answering his question with a big hug from his little sister- myself. The big hug soon turned into a long hug and we both dwelled in that moment while I gently patted his back like a mother trying to put her baby to sleep. Minutes later, his whimpering sound slowly faded and we both let go of each others arm.
"Dee! Thank you, I needed this. I just fed my hungry soul what it needs to carry on which is, comfort and embrace from a loved one, I wouldn't forget this in a long time", Danny lifted his file bag as he find his way to his room.
"Anytime big bro"! I responded heartily, shining my fore set of white teeth.
"What's your thought about an hangout at the beach this weekend, just me and you", I hastily chipped that in."That's not bad and I don't mind, just make sure you remind me of it before the due day", he slammed the door at me, I guessed that was his way of saying he has had enough of my butting in into his business for the day.

The D-day soon dawned on us, I was excited about it however, what was written all over Danny's face spelt indifference - his countenance wasn't giving the vibe I wanted from him for the hangout, it was as if, I was forcing it all in him, "did I care"? No, "does that affect anything"?Absolutely NO. We got to the resort (It has a beach in it) after overcoming the hectic traffic on our way, we then settled for chapman drink and pizza and thereafter, headed for the beach.


The cool breeze brushed my skin and the serenity of the atmosphere chilled down my spine.
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............I gave a loud cry at the rumbling foamy waves of the sea and somehow, I felt relieved of whatsoever that I had hung on my mind. Danny was staring at me all along but, I didn't noticed not until, I turned to my side.
"What was that Dee", he let his curiosity out of the bag. " Nothing! you aren't the only one dealing with life troubles after all, you can give it a try too", I sheepishly said, having my legs dipped in the water.
Ahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...........Danny shouted longer than I expected, he obviously had many things on his mind than I was.
"This is soulful Dee"
"My soul feels lifted" He excitingly expressed his joy.
"You're welcome" with a splatter of smile, I responded handing him is unfinished pizza.

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