My cycling experience. Which is always a new story twist.Prompt 84

Everyone.I am @mdakash62

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Friends,Grettings everyone

Hello I hope you are all very well. Alhamdulillah I am also very well by the grace of God. Today I bring you an amazing story from the #theinkwell community. Which is a cycling experience from childhood to adulthood. Which I am trying to present before you with some memorable events of my life. I hope you all enjoy reading this amazing story. The story that lies with many a lifetime of cycling memories and experiences. Let's go back to your main story. Where once again we will regain our childhood.


I have been cycling since I was 9 years old. Especially my grandfather he was a religious man. He prayed five times with the congregation. Along with this he has managed his career as a bicycle mechanic. There was a huge school ground next to our house. There is a primary school with a madrasa mosque. Then I used to carry my grandfather's bicycle everyday. Although Dada used to get angry with me because if I met with an accident or fell on the bike it was raining. But I was so addicted to the bicycle because of my grandfather's abuse and disobedience, I used to go out on the field with the bicycle.

The environment around the field was amazing, the road was fairly high on the side, and the inside of the field was less. Then slowly Dada started helping me, forgetting all his anger. But when Dada forgot his anger I was very happy and inspired towards Dada. My grandfather was also very experienced in cycling. After about 15 days of grandfather helping me, I learned to ride a bicycle. Even though I couldn't drive on the road with a scared mind working inside.What will I do at home if I ever face an accident? Just such a question always reminds me of cycling.


Looks like it's been 11 years. I've slowly gotten a lot better now that I can ride a bike on the road. Which has always been the pinnacle of an experience for me. One day grandpa suddenly told me let's go to your aunt's house tomorrow.I loved my grandfather very much and tried to keep his word all the time. He was very honest and a man of extraordinary beauty whom I still feel I miss from the bottom of my heart. There is a huge banyan tree about 500 meters from our house. We came out of the house with grandfather and grandfather is standing under the banyan tree with a bicycle. Just then I was sitting behind the bicycle and grandfather was riding the bicycle.Prepared a bag for Fufu with some food. Grandfather left that bag at home.

Dada said can you take the bike and stand, I will go home and bring the food that I had prepared for your uncle. Then it seemed to me that I had a golden opportunity to take up cycling. After I cycled from there for about half a kilo I came back to that place. By that time, grandfather had arrived. Then I sat behind the bicycle while grandfather was riding the bicycle. Suddenly my foot got stuck in the chain.
A lot of blood was shed at that moment. I was so scared and cried that I can't express. Here is a pic showing my scars.

This scar has always made me follow my grandfather's words and pursue that cycling experience even more.

After that, grandfather caught me and quickly took me home in a rickshaw. My mother started to look very restless and seemed to be in mourning. Nothing is stopping the blood. After that mom controlled the induction with Dettol cotton and then tied me with a netara. Then I didn't go to my mother-in-law's house. Later the grandfather also did not go. The mistake was mine though because the wheel is in the middle of the bike. But you have to be careful when stepping on both sides. Exactly one week later I tried cycling again. And I decided in my heart that this cycling experience is what I want to occupy more top places. Since then I have gained experience in cycling.


But really, remembering that accident back then still takes my cycling experience to the next level. Especially when I still enter the market, I am good at riding this bike on various slippery roads including Chippa Chapa and Chikan Chikan Oligli. My paternal grandfather died long ago. However, I respect all my grandfather's work including honest earning and faith in God. Always I pray for my grandfather and try to follow his path. I am praying to the Creator, may my grandfather's soul rest in peace, Ameen. However, with the help of my grandfather, I gained great experience in cycling. I hope you enjoy my true life and cycling experience. I hope that the Creator will always bless you all with all the skills.

Thank you for reading my creative article blog .Stay safe,stay happy.i think if you find any mistake in writing or something. Please allow me to correct it.And find me on social media.

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All Prepared by @mdakash62

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