Creative Nonfiction prompt#32: picnic to a Federal institution

This has been one of the nonfictional stories I have loved to pen for a long period of time.


When I was in high school, my uncle was my mentor and a good leader to me. He advised me on lifestyle and educational career. He is a student of University of Ibadan, where he studies Mechanical Engineering. He happens to be the secretary to the Student Union in the University.

Whenever he comes home, he will tell me how tasky and challenging University education is, he will tell me the beauty of the School, the behavior of his lectures and how students engage within themselves. This fosters my love to visit the school and see things with my eyes, at a point, I long to be a student of the University.

After their semester examination he visited my parents and stayed a week with us. He urged my father to allow me for a week visitation to the university. Father was reluctant at first but after several begging he concluded that I will be qualified to go if I won prizes in science subjects. I happen to be one of the best students in science,so I need to work harder to get the prizes so that I will be able to visit the university for a week.

Luckily I won two prizes in science, best student in Mathematics and Biology, my father was not expecting two prizes, he thought I would only win in Mathematics like the previous years.

My uncle plans to make me visit his school during their final year week.

Picnic to the University of Ibadan

On my first day, uncle Khalid took me to his hostel and introduced me to his friends, I love one thing about his friends: they are entertainers, they make me laugh throughout my stay with them with feeding inclusive.

That week is scheduled for the final year students of the University to hold their farewell program. The week program include:

Back to School program; where all the final year students will dress in a certain school uniform, form up on assembly like they always do in high school, read the assembly rhythm in chorus and listen to the designated prefect speech which hold for roughly two hours, I was the one taking the picture of my uncle and his friends, some of the students are flogged for coming late and other misconduct. I was happy to have a look at the way the students parade with excitement. After the assembly program my uncle led me to a good eatery where we had brunch.

Jersey Day: on this day all the graduating students dress up in their favourite team jerseys and a novelty football match was held in the school pavilion between the female and the male students with several substitutions to allow every interested student to participate. My uncle scored a goal and made an assist before he was finally substituted. After this program we head straight to his room so that he can freshen up after the rigorous exercise.


On the day assigned for the cultural day l, my uncle didn't attend because he is not a fan of cultural dance and practices. My uncle and I went to the school Zoological Garden which happens to be one of the best Zoological Garden in the Country. On getting there we are instructed to stay away from ferocious animals like lions and snakes. I enjoyed the sight of the animals in the ZOO although I was unable to see an elephant. The last elephant died two months before my visit. After the day break, I wish I could be able to come the following day but my uncle could not help, I need to return home the following day. We had great fun. I was served doughnuts and chapman.

I requested another visit from my father, he denied and advised me to focus on my education and gain admission to University of Ibadan, so that I can have enough fun.

Thanks for reading!!!

Look forward to my next submission!!!

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