The Curious Adventure -| Creative Nonfiction Prompt #40

Curiosity has always been a double-edged sword in my life, leading me to both wondrous discoveries and perilous situations. Ever since my childhood, I've been known to be an inquisitive one, and that trait has been part of my life. I love exploring the unknown, unfazed by the dangers that may lie ahead.

This curiosity has given me the pride to be true to myself, even when others tried to shut me down. During my time in secondary school, I was relentless in my desire for knowledge. My fellow students often grew annoyed and tired of my never-ending quest for answers. But I was fortunate to have a mother who acted as my motivator and partner in curiosity. She never ceased her own exploration until she was satisfied with what she sought.

Growing up in a rural area only amplified my curiosity as I found myself surrounded by many mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Water was a scarce commodity in our village, with a single borehole serving as the only source. It meant each household could fetch water only twice a day, making it a constant struggle for everyone.


Yet, in the midst of all these, I had a grandfather who could satisfy my thirst for knowledge through stories of the past. One particular night, he shared a story about the enmity between our community and the neighboring Oburu clan, which had resulted in many lives being lost. After the conflict ended, ornamental crops were used to mark the boundary between the two communities.

"Grandpa, I heard children don't visit that boundary, is it true?" I inquired.

"Yes, you are right. The place is eerie, and after the demarcation, the Oburu believed we might return for another fight, so they groomed wild creatures in the area," he explained.

"Really? What kind of creatures?"

"They grew Gorrila and Chimpanzees and they multiplied. The most terrifying of them all is the chimpanzee, which comes out at noon to chase anyone near the boundary."

"Do people ever walk that path?"

"Men do, but it's dangerous for women."

This story fueled my curiosity further, and I became determined to see the boundary for myself. I enlisted the help of my friend John, who deemed safer because he was a boy. Regardless of my grandmother's warnings to fetch water for her, my curiosity was driving me to go for the adventure without the fetching water.

John and I set out on our adventure, delving into the unknown sent a feeling of excitement to us. As we journey through the thick narrow bush path, the sounds of birds and rustling leaves created a creepy atmosphere. The sun shone brightly, and the grass danced as its way of welcoming us to this mysterious journey.

We caught a glimpse of the tall trees that marked the boundary from afar, and it fueled our excitement. However, our enthusiasm soon turned to disappointment as we encountered a muddy and slippery path. In each step we made, our legs sank deeper into the clay soil, making it difficult for us to move further. Despite all efforts made, the muddy water became an obstacle, and we were forced to return home.

Disappointingly, we returned home and I shared our failed adventure with my grandpa. Intrigued by my account, he expressed a desire to see the muddy path for himself. The next day, I led him there. Upon seeing the muddy water, he chuckled and said, "This is still part of our community; the boundary is much farther from here. But this little spring can be developed into a source of water for us."

Excited by the idea, my grandpa shared the discovery with the community chairman, and soon all the men came together to develop the little spring. The community now had another reliable water source alongside the borehole, making water access much easier.

Our discovery was met with gratitude from our community, and John and I were filled with pride. Our curiosity had led us to an unforgettable experience that turned out to be a solution to our community's needs.

From that day on, I held my curiosity even more with esteem, knowing that it had the power to not only satisfy my own thirst for knowledge but also make an impact on the lives of others. Curiosity might sometimes lead to dangerous situations, but when embraced with wisdom and purpose, it can unlock incredible opportunities for growth and discovery.

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