Camaraderie Et Family

Photo by fauxels:

In the midst of a quiet night, as darkness engulfed the world outside, and the streets went quiet. With everyone gone to bed I found myself alone at home, perched on the edge of my bed. My attention was divided between concentrating on the "Bad Boys 2" flickering on my television screen and the faint glow of my phone logged to Facebook which I held tightly in my hands.

Suddenly, a shrill ring from my phone pierced the peace of the night jolting me up. My phone's screen lit up to display a name I was familiar with. Sparking a mixture of curiosity and confusion within me. I glanced at my clock. It was a few minutes to midnight. "Gina?." Isn't it an unusual time for a phone call? I asked no one in particular as I tapped on the answer button with a hint of apprehension,

"Gina?" I called out to the caller at the other end of the phone. "isn't it a bit late for a call? You should be sleeping" I said instead of my usual greeting and playful manner she knew me with. I tried to keep my voice light and slightly teasing, trying my best to mask my surprise at the late-night interruption.

However, the voice that greeted me was not the vibrant, lively tone that was typical of Gina. It was a faint, weakened echo.

"Marriott", she called me in full instead of the nickname she gave me. "If I don't get to the hospital soon, I fear the consequences might be severe," she said, her words laced with an urgency that needed no explanation. I could hear her struggle for breath. Then she hung up abruptly.

I wasn't a novice to Gina's long standing struggle with asthma and how severe her attacks were. In the past, I had received similar calls from her and each time I rallied to her side without hesitation except when I was out of town. So I didn't have the mind to think it was a prank even though it was late.

I quickly jumped off my bed and headed for my door after grabbing my house keys and putting on some clothes. Locking up my house, it dawned on me. Even though I needed to help Gina at that point in the night, there was a major problem. It was so late at night that I wouldn't be able to get a cab, bus or bike that could take us to the hospital. I racked my brain, trying to think of a way to get her the help she direly needed.

Then, an idea popped into my mind. Although the idea was a long shot, I decided to take the kick. I took out my phone and sent a message to our class WhatsApp group. Of Course i knew clearly that my course mates would probably be asleep, but I hoped that one of my course mates would see my message and come to the rescue. Probably someone living close to Gina's apartment.

"Please", I prayed silently, "let someone be there for her".

Within seconds, messages began flooding my screen. It was as if nobody was asleep at that time of the night. My course mates were quickly responding to my call for help, their offers to assist forming a river of compassion that will flow freely as a reminder in my memory for a long time. I felt hope swelling up within me as I read their messages.

Those who lived within the proximity of Gina's apartment affirmed their presence, willing and pledging to rush to her aid. While course mates that lived far away from Gina's vicinity opted to dial their own friends living close to Gina's apartment urging them to rush down to Gina's place and help save a life.

In just a few minutes, camaraderie and humanity happened. I was able to see the very soul of our class, a group of people from different families who converge every semester and sat in the same lecture hall, sprang into action for a fellow comrade they only met on their sojourn In the four walls of a higher institution of learning. No, at that point it didn't feel like we were course mates again but family.

And just as the promised, they al emerged from their homes at the dead of the night, course mates and friends that lived close, like angels of mercy, bringing light to a lost soul.

Through communication on the phone I got to know that one of our course mates who owns a car and lived close to Gina, volunteered to drive her down to the hospital quickly.

Gina received the care she needed.

They cradled her in their collective strength, serving as a steady support that would carry her to safety.

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