Wolf in sheep's clothing

I was super excited about a new power bank that I got for myself. So excited because I was eagerly anticipating the purchase, a purchase I'd saved up for months to afford. I thought all my low battery problems are solved, I've never been as excited as that for acquiring something.
The power bank wasn't just any device, it cost me a heifty 30,000 naira and I cherished it so much.

So the next day I went to buy food stuffs for my mom, she gave me the list of the things to buy and she also gave me money, I decided to also carry the power bank to the market, I see many people carrying their own power bank around too so I thought it was not a big deal, it's a normal thing.

I was even pampering the power bank because my battery was low but I didn't want to use the power bank so that one bar will not reduce from it lol! So I was just holding the power bank for fancy or in case my phone want to off when I'm pressing it I'll just boost it up and unplug it.

So when I got to the market, I stopped at a woman's shop to buy vegetables, just there one guy came up to me, he was very good looking and well dressed on a blue shirt and black trouser, he had a backpack and a nice looking shoe. "Sister Excuse me can I just borrow your power bank to boost my phone?" He said!

I turned and took a glance at him, his dressing was impressive, I couldn't even refuse his plea because I thought it must be important for him to charge his phone. I was still quiet when he said: "Please it's important, I need the phone for a very important call that's why I need it to be On"

Well, I said Ok you can use it. I handed the power bank to him with my Android cord, he used it to plug his phone. He also reached his hand into his Bag and brought out another Cord and another phone, he was charging his two phones with my power bank. Ha, I wanted to talk, I wanted to tell him to charge only one phone that I don't like charging two phones at once with my power bank because it easily kills the battery, but I decided to keep calm.

"Are you sure of this guy that you gave your power bank" A female voice whispered to me and I turned to look at the person, it was the woman I wanted to buy vegetable from. She said that lately there have been thefts going on in this coded format, that thief's now steal stuffs with your consent. It was hard for me to believe this, I said to myself that this guy doesn't look like a thief to me, and he's very well dressed and looks responsible. I also thought of kindness to strangers, I said it's good that I show kindness to him, I may not know how I'll need help tomorrow and someone will help me too.

So the guy was standing beside the shop where I could see him very well. I turned to buy other things from the woman, she was packaging the things for me.

I turned around to tell the guy that I'm about to move to the other side of the market to buy other things, I didn't see the guy again.

"Jesus Christ, Where is this guy?" I screamed this at the market.

I asked the woman selling the vegetable if she had seen the guy but she told me "Otilo (it's gone) 🙆"

I searched all-round the market for the corporate thief but he was nowhere to be found!
I almost cried my eyes out, I went home feeling dizzy, sick, and weak.

So this is how I got scammed, something I just bought, I didn't even know what else to do. This was a big shock for me, even the soup my mother cooked no hungry me again, I was so SAAAD 😭!
I felt a wave of emotions: disbelief, anger, and deep sadness. My excitement and joy over the new power bank had been cruelly replaced by a sense of loss and betrayal. It was difficult to grasp that someone who appeared so respectable and in need could deceive me so effortlessly.
This was a harsh reminder that not everyone can be trusted, no matter how kind or well-dressed they appear.

The experience was very painful but it taught me a very valuable lesson, I'd never give my belonging to any stranger again. It is people like this that makes kindness to strangers very difficult. Is kindmess to strangers still encouraged today?

I thought he was a gentle soul, never knew he was a "Wolf in Sheep's Clothing!"

Image from playground.com using my prompt

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