Surprise gift - Creative Nonfiction in The Ink Well: Prompt #18

It was a cold morning on the second Sunday of May. I woke up to a tender hug my husband gave me, brushing his lips with mine, followed by my cheek he whispered in my ear: "happy mother's day" with a smile I told him "thank you my love".

Looking at my face, he got out of bed, he said "today is your day, so I'll take care of the kitchen", I replied "that's ok my love, so I can spend more time with Alexa and Ruth, however, deep down I was expecting a gift". We had breakfast, I cleared the table, I started to do the dishes to see if he would surprise me, nothing happened.

It was almost noon, we had to make lunch, I went to the kitchen to visualize what additives or condiments were missing for the meal. I noticed that we were missing some vegetables to spice up the meal. I went to the bedroom, put on a pair of pants, a flannel and some sandals; I went into the girls' room, took them by the hand and went with them to the bathroom to brush their teeth and give them a shower, I put a dress on each of them with their respective sandals.

I said to my husband: 'my love, I'm going to the store to buy dressing for the food',
He replied, 'okay, please don't be too long'.
With a kiss on the lips we said goodbye. On the way to the store I was thinking, "I'm sure when I get there I'll find my present on the dining room table or on my bed".
I got to the store, bought some vegetables, some treats for Alexa and Ruth. On the way back with the girls, I was very excited and intrigued, just thinking about what my gift would be.

When I got home with the groceries, I said out loud to my husband, "my love, I'm home", Alexa and Ruth ran out to give my husband a kiss and a hug. Very excited I placed the bags on the dining room table, to see if my gift was already there, intrigued but with sanity I approached the sink, I gave him a kiss. The man didn't say anything to me, exhausting my thinking resources I went to my room and didn't see anything unusual either.

For a moment I felt sad. On every special occasion he would give me a gift, at that moment there was no gift for me, instead, I reflected, I felt a little selfish because we don't always get what we want, I dedicated myself to enjoy my day and the things my husband was doing for me.

When it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, he made popcorn, we went to the living room with the girls, we started to watch a movie Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone, when the movie was in the middle, he got up, I didn't pay attention to him because when the moment came when Harry Potter realizes the power that the stone had, the movie got very interesting, suddenly I felt that he put something next to me, but I was focused on what I was watching, when the ads came on, I turned to see, I shouted excitedly "oh my god my God! the movie got very interesting, suddenly I felt that he put something next to me, but I was concentrated in what I was watching, when the ads came, I turned to see, I shouted excited "oh my god, this is beautiful, my love, thank you for the gift, I love you, you are the sun that illuminates my days

While I was delighted looking at my wooden box. So many compartments to keep my most precious jewelry, the precious flowers he painted in relief on the lid, it was a tender and at the same time passionate gift.

He replied, "If I told you, it would no longer be a surprise, I noticed how you looked in the kitchen and in the bedroom, looking for your gift. I spent a month doing it, you didn't see it because I had it hidden under the bed. When you went to work and the girls were at school I started to make it.

Ten years ago my husband gave me that surprise gift, I still have the wooden box where I keep my rings, bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

This is a non-fiction story.
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