Maybe it's still a superstition

I grew up in a hood that believed and still believes so much in superstition, where little strange occurrence has a spiritual meaning attached to them, even as far as ordinary lightning. This belief was well fused into my heart when I was young and till today when I'm an adult, I still find it hard to do away with some of those beliefs because I saw real happenings of those events with my eyes and it's so hard to believe they're were mere coincidence.

Earlier this year when we had excess heat due to hot weather, I usually stayed outside in the compound premises at night till the room was a bit manageable before going inside to sleep. During one of those nights, I was seated outside and suddenly, I saw a light, a small circle the size of a small stone, flying across the roof of our neighbour which was some distance away.

It moved so fast that I saw it at a glance and I couldn't pick up my phone to capture it. At that moment, fear gripped my heart, goosebumps took over my skin and my brain began to scan everybody around the neighbourhood that's sick because I grew up to know that once that light appeared, it meant there was someone around the area that's about to die and my mind couldn't just take a rest because the light didn't appear far from our compound and my mind also thought of the elderly man in our compound.

"Oh boy, you're still outside?" Nelson opened his door to meet me still outside.

"Yes ooh, I'm still taking g breeze," I responded and he walked closer and sat on the long bench where I was resting my leg.

"Do you know of that light that looks like a star fall but it's not it and we were told that once it appears, it tells that someone is about to die within the area?" I asked him boldly because he's someone that grew up in the village and I wasn't expecting him to laugh at me.

"Yes, I know of that light. It doesn't occur often, it happens once in a blue moon" His response gladdened my heart and I didn't know when I screamed out loud "Yessssss! You know it! Maybe it occurs often but we are not allowed to see it often that's why it seems like it's something of a rare occurrence"

"Did you see it this night?" He asked.

"Yeah and Omo, I've been thinking weird already"

"Hahahah! Forget that thing, it's not real, it's just a work of superstition" He added with a laugh and I couldn't resist the laughter.

That night, we stayed more hours talking about random things until time got to 12:30 pm and we went in to sleep.

After that night, I didn't think of the occurrence of that light again, I never thought of checking to see or hear news of someone being dead in the area to confirm if the appearance of the light was still real the way we knew it then.

After like about two weeks, one evening I was about to round up and close my workshop when two cars drove in and blocked the road to the Workshop, and upon seeing that, I walked to them out of anger and told them to drive the car a little further because they were blocking the road.
One of them stared at me and hissed which fueled the anger I was trying to hide.

"Sir, please remove the car! Can't you see they're blocking the way!" This time, my voice was a bit high because I hate to be looked down on.

"Do you know I can chase you away from that shop or don't you know the owner of the shop?" He laughed as he said that and the other car owner joined him in laughing. I was about to unleash the anger in me when I heard my name screamed by a feminine voice, "Kingsley!". I turned to meet my boss's wife who owns a shop in the building too, standing and smiling at me.
"Please come, leave them alone, their mother died and they are related to the owner of this house" My boss's wife explained briefly from the spot she was and at that time, my anger died down as my mind reflected on the light I saw a few weeks ago.

"Maybe this is the outcome or is it just another coincidence?" I began to ponder and after a while, I just believed that the death of the elderly woman was the confirmation of the appearance of the light that night.

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