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A girl and her father are lost (Horror)



One night, a father and his daughter were driving on a deserted country road. They returned home after spending the whole day visiting their grandmother in the hospital. While listening to the sound of the heavy rain rumbling on the roof of the car, the girl began to fall asleep.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from under the vehicle. The girl woke up and saw her father struggling to control the steering wheel but the car skidded off the rain-soaked road and hit a large rock on the side of the road.

After checking that his daughter's condition was not injured, the father got out of the car to see the damage. Both front tires had large puncture holes and the right fender was damaged by a rock wall.

"We must have passed something sharp on the road earlier, that's what made the two front tires punctured." explained the father to his daughter.

"You can fix it, right?" asked her daughter, somewhat shaken by the accident.

"No," his father replied, shaking his head. “I only have one spare tire in the trunk. I have to walk back to the village and get someone to tow the car," he said. "The village is not far from here. You wait in the car while I leave."

"Okay, dad." said her daughter, reluctantly. "But please don't take too long."

The man could see in his daughter's eyes that she was frightened.

"Relax," the father replied as he calmed his daughter down. "I'll be back as soon as possible."

His daughter watched him in the rearview mirror as his father trudged through the pouring rain and disappeared into the dark night.

More than an hour had passed and his father was still not back. The girl began to wonder what took her father so long. He was very worried because his father should be back by now.

Moments later, he glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a figure in the distance, walking towards his car. At first, he thought it was his father, but when he turned to take a closer look, he realized that it was a foreign man. He wore a raincoat and had a bushy beard. He was carrying something large in his left hand while swinging it.

As the stranger approached, the girl looked out the window and narrowed her eyes. In the dim light, he could see what the foreign man was holding in his hand. It was a large, sharp butcher knife.

Frightened, the girl moved quickly and locked the two front doors of the car, then jumped into the back seat and locked the back door. When he looked at the man again, he saw that the strange man stopped and looked directly at him.

Suddenly, the man raised his arm. In his left hand, he clutched his father's severed head.

The girl screamed and screamed seeing her father who had been killed by the foreign man. His heart was beating fast and he was having trouble breathing.

The man kept walking and when the man reached the car he pushed his face right into the window and glared at the girl with his bloodshot eyes. His face was hideous and covered in deep scars.

For a moment, he just stood there, in the pouring rain, grinning at him like crazy. Then, he reached into his pocket, took out something and slowly raised his left hand.

He holds his father's car keys.

The girl screamed for help when the stranger tried to open the door with her father's key.

"Please, I beg you! Don't kill me! I beg you."

The stranger managed to open the door and pull the girl out.

Smiling horribly, the man said, "Sweet girl, are you lost?"

The next day, the villagers found the bodies of the girl and her father. The bodies were headless, hanging from a tree near the crash site.


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