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This is the story of a wise huntsman who once lived. He was apparently bald and had to cover up by wearing wigs. One faithful day, this huntsman was journeying with his friends and a notorious wind blew. The wind carried the wig off the huntsman's head. The scene was truly a spectacle of humor and laughter. The friends burst into great laughter after seeing a man lose his wig and displayed a head as bald as the shield of an army commander.


The other huntsmen couldn't help but chuckle at their friend's witty response. They had expected him to be furious about losing his new wig, but his lighthearted attitude surprised them all. They admired his ability to find humor in such a situation. This was truly pure wisdom in display.

As they continued their ride through the field, the huntsman decided to share a story with his companions. He began recounting an incident from his childhood when he had accidentally spilled a bucket of paint on his mother's favorite dress. Despite the mishap, his mother had laughed it off, saying, "It's just a dress, my dear.

"There are more important things in life to worry about." ― said the mother.

Inspired by his mother's wise words, the huntsman had learned to approach life with a similar perspective and understanding. He believed that laughter was a powerful tool, capable of transforming even the most challenging situations or predicaments. His friends listened intently and attentively, appreciating the valuable lesson embedded in the wise huntsman's story.

As they rode further, they encountered a group of villagers working in the fields. Curious about their friend's bald head, one of the villagers approached them. With a smile on his face, the huntsman explained what had happened, causing the villagers to burst into great laughter. They shared their own stories of unexpected incidents and embarrassing moments, creating a joyous atmosphere. This was indeed an epic moment in the Huntsman's journey that gave him a new purpose.

The huntsman's carefree laughter spread like wildfire, infecting everyone around him. Even those who had never met him before couldn't resist joining in the merriment. It became a moment of shared laughter and connection, transcending differences and bringing people together.

Word of the huntsman's contagious laughter soon reached the nearby town, piquing the interest of the local theater troupe. They approached him with an idea which was a comedy performance that would bring joy to the entire community. Excited by the prospect and opportunity of spreading laughter on a larger scale, the huntsman enthusiastically agreed.

Together with the theater troupe, he organized a grand comedy event in the town's central square. People from all walks of life gathered to witness the magic of laughter. The huntsman shared his stories and jokes, while the talented actors performed skits filled with humor and wit.

The atmosphere was electrifying and almost palpable as peals of laughter echoed throughout the square. Troubles and worries were momentarily forgotten as the community embraced the power of laughter. The event marked a turning point, reminding everyone that even in the face of adversity, finding humor could be a catalyst for resilience and unity.

From that day forward, the huntsman became known as the "Laughter Ambassador" in the town. He dedicated his time to organizing laughter therapy sessions and spreading joy to hospitals, schools, and various community gatherings. His infectious laughter and uplifting spirit touched the lives of many, inspiring them to find solace and emotional or mental refuge in laughter during their darkest moments.

And so, the huntsman's simple act of laughing at the loss of his wig became a catalyst for a greater purpose. His genuine laughter not only brought him peace but also became a beacon of hope for others, reminding them that laughter truly had the power to heal and unite.


In my little experience with distress, problems and uncomfortable predicaments, I find that the way we think about our problems determines how fast a solution can come. Thanks for reading this brief story guys. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful. I would definitely love to respond to any comments, opinions or questions you may have regarding this blog post. Have a lovely day and see you in my next blog guys.

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