Theinkwell Poetry Challenge Week 2/ Aroma of earth

It is very gratifying to know about this contest, and for the demands it entails. My poem is originally written in Spanish, as it is my native language (I copy it at the end, in case it interests you,and will not be disturbed), in free verse (as it is the form or style I follow since I started writing poetry), and without the use of punctuation marks ((in the modern poetic stream inaugurated by Mallarmé from A stroke of the dice...). I chose the second theme, that of rain (Option 2: the day the rains came). Greetings and thanks.

Linden alley in rain in late afternoon sunlight (Photo by Elena Belozorova) Fuente

the earth
and its green sprout
are born and travel
again this afternoon
in the rain

Increase his ad
over the calcareous roofs
naked the intimacy
of the bodies
keeps the memories
in its primordial humid

The rain
desert prophecy
brings us back to the promise
in the mud
on the breath


Original version in Spanish:

la tierra
y su verde brote
nacen y viajan
nuevamente esta tarde
en la lluvia

Arrecia su anuncio
sobre los techos calinosos
desnuda la intimidad
de los cuerpos
abriga los recuerdos
con su primordial humedad

La lluvia
profecía en el desierto
nos devuelve a la promesa
al barro
al aliento



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