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A day in Ji33y's world

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"pffffffft" I sighed frustratingly inside the shuttle, relaxed at last but still, frustrated. I woke up this morning at exactly 7:30am WestAfrican time and prepared for the gym because I've been trying to build my upper muscles recently, long story short I went to the gym along with @octaviousx and we met with some other guys there who really moved us into giving it a hundred percent although I gave it my 80 percent, too tired.

we initially planned on leaving the gym by 9:30 but then around 8:44 I saw a classmate of mine heading inside the school through the stadium and I asked her if classes were going to be holding,

Now hol up a second let me explain something, I'm actually a student of the University of Nigeria nsukka, the only university of Nigeria located in nsukka local government area, Enugu state. I'm actually saying this for the second time because I initially mentioned this in my introductory post on @ocd but I know some people might not really know that about me here in @theinkwell community soooo yeah 😏. I'm actually a student of archeology and tourism which to my surprise when I got admitted to the school was under the faculty of arts (hooooooooooowww😱, I mean I get the tourism part but hooooow😱) bear in mind that this is not the course I intended studying when I applied for an admission, I was gonna study linguistics and maybe become an international ambassador or something, linguistics gives you the opportunity to a wide variety of options because of the nature of the study, I was going to bilingual and stuff and maybe even woo girls with some Spanish yunno🤷‍♂️, I think I diverted from the point there a bit, sorry guys. so due to the change of plans that my school made for me I don't really take the course seriously so I've missed a lot of classes this semester but before you judge me 🙇♂️ wait until the end of the story.

my classmate told me that the class was going to hold by 9am, I was so pissed because I didn't come alone to the gym or even prepare for any classes so i had to go convince my friend to leave early with me so i could prepare for class and not end up really late, a little bit sure but not too much.

because of the shaky political, religious and economic state that my country Nigeria is in, we have a very corrupt government and the seperatists trying to secede from the rest of the country oh and the rampant cases of unknown gunmen (paid workers I call em) and herds men, let's just call it a political mess. so due to all these action, we've been ordered by the separatists not to leave the house on Mondays or Thursdays but some lectures still hold on those days because.....i actually dont know why, maybe its because the school is a government institution or the fact some lecturers derive some hidden joy torturing students, i dont know though, just saying, I've heard of occurences in the school were students were driven away from school but still, classes still hold,tests even, i'm supposed to be having an exam on the first of november too, this is how fast things are going this semester.(because of tge covid 19 outbreak last year the education sector have been trying really hard to catch up , they've already made us go through the session for last year and now this year's session but just the first semester. ive been trying really hard to catch up with classes with all the "sit at home's", change of class venues and cancellations but....well I've been catching up.

so i went back home, freshened up and prepared for classes, straight from the gym, on heading to the class venue i found no one there just students from other departments, i headed to our departmental museum and still no one ,that was when i found out that the class had been cancelled, all my efforts wasted, i decided to head back home when i bumped into a female friend of mine who i accompanied to her place because she told me she wasnt feeling well and i had some friends around her place i was going to visit in order to make leaving the house worth it for me so i dropped her off and went to my friends place to relieve some stress.

these guys cant do without we.....bananas, they cant do without bananas😏

After bananas at my guys place,i was relaxed so i walked to the school shuttle park and borded a bus, i thought about my whole experience as we waited for passengers to fill up the bus and sighed (first line, first paragraph), upon sighing i pictured it in writing form, like how would an author write down this sound i just made, i think it was the bananas talking but i decided to write this story.


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