The ink well Nonfiction. Having a Taste of what you serve.

“Good morning Lydia” Rissi greeted when she discovered Lydia was up from her sleep.

But there was no response, ao she continued with what she was doing. It was an assignment she had to do before going to class that morning.

She finished and walked into the bathroom, took her bath and made her way to school.


Lydia finally got up from her bed when she discovered Rissi had gone.

The bed was a mess and scattered the kitchen needed to be attended to but Lydia's mood will not permit her to do anything.

Hey!!! Lydia walked out of her room as one of her neighbors tried to extend his warm greeting but her facial expression told her she is not in the mood to converse with anyone so she quietly locked her door and made her way straight to school.

“This one madness don start ooo”(This person is acting crazy today) he said as he continued with his washing.

Rissi soon came back from school. She opened the door and the room was disgusting as Lydia did not even arrange the bed at least since she was the last person to get off the bed.

Rissi was one calm being I have ever seen without a word. She tried to fix the room even though she was tired but right from arranging the bed to sweeping the room to washing dishes and even to the extent of making food Rissi did all that.

She made everything good even though it wasn't her turn to do them but she decided to do it just so peace could reign.

Lydia came back that evening and in the same manner she acted that morning she continued not even a word when she walked into the room she kept her bag walked into the bathroom to freshen up and then to the kitchen where she dished her food regardless of the fact that she didn't even greet the person that made the food.

Ate the food and left the plate on the spot where she ate the food. Rissi will always avoid trouble so she picked it and kept it in the kitchen.

And off to bed Lydia went and that's how the whole day went without the roommates talking to each other simply because one of them woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Three days later Rissi decided to wake up also on the wrong side of the bed.

It was her turn also on that day to carry out the house chores but just like the way Lydia will behave she decided to act in the same manner.

Without a word she left the house even though Lydia tried to talk to her as they usually do as roommates.

Without even keeping a pin in it position she left the room scattered kitchen scattered and unkept from the last meal they ate last night.

Lydia murmured to herself as she kept those things in place but then became even more worried when Rissi did not respond to her greeting but she overheard her laughing and greeting all the neighbors in the house.

“Why then did she not respond to my own greeting? And she has refused to do her work today.”

Lydia managed to do all that and made her way to school Rissi came back before her and as usual Rissi will prepare something before she comes back but that day was different, Rissi decided to eat snacks as she waited for Lydia to come back.

Lydia came back and walked straight to the kitchen after saying hi to Rissi but still there was no response.

Lydia could not hold her peace when she discovered there was no food in the kitchen. Why did you not cook? Lydia asked in a harsh tone but Rissi will rather continue eating her snacks than answer that question.

Why have you even decided not to talk to me today? Still the response was still silence. Lydia almost went mad when Rissi failed to give an answer to any of her questions.

Finally Rissi responded.

“ I want you to know how I feel whenever you turn on that bad character of yours of not responding to people when they talk to you and not taking up your responsibility just because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Hey there are ways to get over these things and everyone can get over them then I see no reason why you will not.

I promise you that if you continue with that bad character then be ready to have a taste of what you serve people.

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