" water under the bridge"


This memory has always been on my mind despite letting it go but it's a day to be remembered, I've had so many quarrels and misunderstanding with so many people during my high school days but this in particular I won't forget so easily.

When I was in my jss 2 in Rishamma comprehensive College Akwanga I had a serious fight with my best friend "Joshua Christopher" that lead to us exchanging punches though it all started like play but at a point it got so serious that we even wounded our selves, it was early in the morning we all are preparing to take our bath to head for assembly but provisions for buckets were not available then, that is to say you will have to wait for someone to finish using the bucket before u can use it.

so as i was saying i can't really recall what actually conspired between us that day but both of us where in a very bad mood and i could recall that i was just waiting for a slightest opportunity to deal with him and as it would happen unknowingly we requested for a particular bucket to use so when the person we are waiting for was done using the bucket to give out then I heard "Oh u can't have that; said my friend: we are all crazy here. I'm not normal, you are not normal'. "How do u know I'm not normal? said my friend.

So after the spoken exchange we had we went straight to him and held the bucket at the same time no one was ready to let go the bucket then before my friend could notice it I left the bucket and gave him a dirty slap, what? He exclaim, then he threw the bucket and hit me back, do you know what? I said in my mind "ohh what I've been waiting for, it was a very serious fight that even our seniors then couldn't separate us it was later reported to the house master that was when we stopped the fight and we were seriously wounded but do u know what?.

The house master still beat the hell out of us instead of taking us to the school clinic for treatment he disciplined us before alerting the health department to take care of us, actually it was so embarrassing going to class with those bruises that morning time but we are left with no options because the house master said he doesn't want to see anyone in the hostel not even us that were injured so we had to go like that looking rough with our swollen faces.

I was just imagining my crush seeing me like that but immediately we enter the classroom his sister was our mate too so she began asking me questions, what happen? I sai we had a fight, she said ok this one is not her business is friendship things so we should go and iron that out our selves, so I just told her thank you and she went ahead to pet her brother.

I was a bit jealous though because I wish someone will come and be touching me that way too just to see if the pains I'm having will reduce but i sat there no one came so I just stay mute and calm imagining my crush touching me but it was just imagination.But it all by gone not long before the term is over he was like, "hey bro, hope we cool about the other day; said my friend: we are all good bro. I'm good.

One thing I know about friendship you must have a disagreement with someone you call your friend if not that friendship isn't going to last at all and since then we are cool just that we are not longer staying together after graduation but he do comes to visit me onece a year like that most especially during the festive period and vice versa and I love him because we realize that's not the end of life and we've got a lot to archive in life.

But some days if we are together "me" in particular always remind him of the fight and we will just laugh it out it's really a memory I can't forget. He's my best friend now and ever I know some day he will get to read this and laugh over it.
Thank you for reading.

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