Behind The Mask.

"It's Stacey's birthday in a few weeks, and Arianna is looking forward to throwing a party."

"She will be five, and I wish I could be there to celebrate with them as a family," Maleek cuts in.

"You could, and I have been thinking of how," Nathan replied, readjusting on the sofa.

"Okay, here is it. She actually wants to invite a clown just to entertain the kids coming around, and I felt it would be an opportunity for you," Nathan added.

"I don't understand you. What do you mean by an opportunity?" Maleek asked curiously.

"I can patch you up as a clown, and that way, you can get to meet Stacey. You should know that I am putting a lot on the line for you," Nathan replied.

"Are you for real? You will do that for me?" Maleek stuttered.

"Yes, why not? You're more than just a friend to me," Nathan replied.

"I won't forget this," Maleek muttered, and he couldn't hold back the tears that had welled up in his eyes as he thought about Stacey.

"I feel so ashamed of myself," Maleek said in a shaky voice as tears gently poured from his eyes.

"Common, you don't need this and we should actually be planning on getting you a custom ahead of the big day. You can as well learn some acts just to make the clown thing look real," Nathan said as he patted Maleek on the back.

Maleek and Nathan were close friends from university, and they have always cared for each other like blood brothers. A few years after their graduation, Maleek met Arianna, Nathan's sister and fell in love with her.

Although Nathan was against their relationship at first due to his friend's rough past but there was little he could do because Arianna had fallen in love as well.

Things went beautifully for the lovers, and they got married a few years later. Arianna got pregnant, and while waiting for the arrival of their baby, Maleek got caught up in trouble he thought had been resolved over a decade ago.

The police came knocking on his door, and he found himself in jail in the twinkle of an eye. Arianna was so mad at Maleek since she insisted on knowing Maleek's past before the incident but he didn't share a thing with her.

While Maleek was in jail, he received another allegation that caused his sentence to be extended, and Arianna couldn't bear it. She filed for divorce, and Maleek was never going to be part of her live anymore as declared by the court except if Arianna changes her mind.

Upon getting out of jail, Maleek couldn't return home, and every attempt to meet Arianna or his daughter failed. She insisted that her daughter would never meet or live under the same roof with an ex-convict and she went as far as threatening Maleek if he crosses his boundary.

A day before Stacey's birthday, Maleek had gotten everything ready and prayed that things worked out well. He couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful moments he shared with Arianna and wishing he had lived a more decent life during his youth.

Nathan picked Maleek up the next morning, and they went straight to Arianna's residence. It's been four years, but Arianna hadn't aged a bit to Maleek, and he had to be in control of his emotions so he wouldn't ruin his makeup.

Nathan introduced Maleek as the clown, and Arianna explained everything that would happen at the party.

"Okay, madam, I will definitely make the kids happy. You don't need to worry," Maleek said in a shaky voice.

"I notice you look nervous. Is everything alright?" Arianna asked.

"Nervous? No! It's actually my second job, and I am still trying to fit in," Maleek replied.

"I can relate to that, but don't worry. I will stay around to assist you," Arianna replied and left to attend to other things.

"She is still so beautiful and kindhearted," Maleek thought as Arianna walked away.

The birthday party started pretty well, and the kids were happy because Maleek did the job perfectly. Aside from having a lot to eat and drink, they played different entertaining games.


It was time for Stacey to cut the cake, and Maleek asked if he could take a personal picture with Stacey. Although it sounded so unusual of a clown to make such a request, but Arianna didn't reject him.

Maleek took a picture and gave Stacey a gift. The excited little girl hugged Maleek after getting the gift, and they were glued for up to a minute.

"Are you crying?" Stacey asked Maleek immediately she noticed tears in his eyes after hugging him.

"No, I am not. I am just happy," Maleek replied.

Stacey ran to her mom immediately and told her that the clown was crying.

Arianna returned to check on the clown, but he wasn't in the garden anymore. She checked outside the building and found him crying uncontrollably.

"Is everything alright?" Arianna asked immediately when she got to where Maleek sat.

"Yes, I am fine, madam." Maleek replied with his head bowed.

"My daughter said you were crying," Arianna asked.

"Sorry about that, your daughter reminded me of someone, and I just couldn't control my emotions," Maleek replied.

"It's okay. I will pay you now, and you are free to go since the party is almost over," Arianna replied.

"Don't bother about the money. Let me just spend more time here before going if that's fine with you," Maleek replied, eventually raising his head.

"You ruined your makeup," Arianna stuttered, and as she stretched a handkerchief to Maleek, he took a step backwards.

"It's fine. You can wipe it and join the party," Arianna said to Maleek.

She looks at Maleek sternly, and the face behind the ruined makeup seems familiar, but Arianna wasn't too sure.

The two stared at each other for a few seconds, and Arianna was trying to figure who it was.

"Arianna, I am sorry. I just couldn't stay away any longer from you and Stacey." Maleek ended the staring challenge they got into, and Arianna was shocked.

"How did you get here? Who allowed you in? Oh, Nathan did, right? You are going to regret this!" Arianna screamed at Maleek and reached for her phone immediately.

"Please don't make the call, it will only ruin things further. I will leave now," Maleek replied.

He wiped the makeup completely and was about to leave when he realized that Arianna had put the phone away.

"I am sorry." He apologized again and walked past her.

"Why didn't you tell me about your past life?" Arianna asked.

"I was ignorant then, and everything I did was for survival. My life never had a meaning until I met Nathan, and he made me abandon my old life. I thought you knowing about my past would make you hate me," Maleek replied.

"You should have told me because I was ready to walk through thick and thin with you," Arianna replied and burst into tears.

"Please don't cry, I take the blame and will accept the consequences. I am deeply sorry," Maleek replied, moving closer to Arianna.

He gently wiped her tears as he thought about how tough it must have been for her while he was in jail.

"What else should I know?" Arianna asked Maleek as he bid her goodbye the second time.

"I am a changed person and nothing more," Maleek stuttered.

"Please tell Stacey someday that the clown today was her father, and I love her wholeheartedly," Maleek added, and started sobbing again.

"Why not tell her yourself? I am sad she is growing up without you by her side but I had to protect her from your past," Arianna replied, and Maleek immediately wiped away his tears.

"Really? I can see her again." Maleek stuttered.

"Yes, and it might not be the last. I am sorry I pushed you away and hated you so badly all of a sudden," Arianna replied, stretching her hands widely open.

Maleek didn't think twice before hugging her, and they became emotional as they apologized further to each other.

Nathan was watching them from afar, and he was so happy to see them in that state.

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