Mystical World: The Place of all Possibilities.

Shola, 13 years old. He loves watching cartoons and his dream is to become a superhero like Superman. He is a brilliant boy and from his academic results, you can tell that. Shola is my little brother and I love him so much.

It was 6 am when my mom woke us up for our morning devotion, she walked into our room with her pink long nightgown that had a rope at the side. Her usual signature was to knock on our door that's always left ajar. "Boys, wake up it's time for our devotion," she said after giving the door three gentle taps. I saw her but I was just getting to the best part of my sleep so I refused to get up, shola on the other hand was lying still on the bed with his head off his pillow, shirtless, and was also not ready to move. I thought to myself "I should wake this boy up before mommy gets angry" but then, I will use him as an excuse to enjoy more of this blissful sleep.

Just before I could change my sleeping position, I heard a loud bang on our door as the door flew open. I jump off the bed holding my blanket with my hand stretching out to stop any form of weapon my mom was going to use in disciplining me for not answering her gentle call but guess who walked in?

"Wake up, wake up. Mommy is calling you" Ife was yelling as she rang the house emergency bell. Ife is my younger sister, the most stubborn human in the Fash family and my mom knew she was the perfect weapon to get us off the bed. I couldn't do anything to her because she was the messenger of the most feared woman in the family.

I turned around to see if Shola was still on the bed but I couldn't find him there, I tried to look around the dark room but I was surprised I couldn't find him. "Shola!!" I called out his name and he answered from the living room where we used to have our devotion. "I guess I played my card wrong this time," I thought to myself as I walked into the bright room with my mom sitting on the three-seater sofa, my big sis was seated on the one-seater chair with her hand on her chin as she tried to fight off the sleep in her eyes before we start to pray. Ife was sitting beside my mom as she grinned at home for successfully ruining my sleep. To my surprise, Shola was also sitting beside my mom. I couldn't say anything but I promised myself to interrogate him once the prayer was over.

After singing praise, my mom asked Shola to lead the prayer and he started
"Heavenly Father, we thank you for giving us life today. We thank you because you provided all we need and we are not beggars"

The prayer went smoothly until Shola started praying for power.
"Lord, give us the strength to move mountains, the ability to fly, and shoot out laser from our eyes...."

It was then I opened my eyes, I saw Ife looking at me. We both turned to look at my big sister and she was looking at the both of us also. Well, at that point I knew Shola was away with the fairy but who was I to say anything since my mom was saying Amen to all his prayers.

After the prayer, my mom called him to her room, and that was all. I couldn't blame him because most of the time, he was away with the fairies, lying in our room daydreaming.

Currently, Shola is a big boy. In the university studying Biomedical Engineering, and I have never heard him talk about cartoons again. Just anime.

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