Creative Nonfiction Prompt #56 Ayurvedic saved my life.

Hints in this contest postCreative Nonfiction Prompt #56 by @theinkwell Often, health is determined by circumstance and you may have found a way to beat the odds and live the dream. This really makes this incident that happened to me meaningful.

I was very proud to say that I have never had a cold, fever, headache, blood pressure, diabetes, or any other traditional disease in my entire life and I took voluntary retirement at the age of about 56. Started his own business.

To start this business, I had to make some changes and repairs in my house. During my time in government service, I always got air-conditioned offices and vehicles, which perhaps I had developed a bad habit of.

It was an afternoon in June 2023. In our country, in the summer of June, the temperature reaches 42 to 46 degrees Celsius, which becomes unbearable and painful.

And unfortunately, if you have to leave the house in this scorching heat, then understand that you have invited some disease.

Something similar happened to me too, there was some repair work to be done in my house.

For this, I had to go out of the house again and again to buy concrete, gravel, rebar, bricks, cement, sand, paint and sanitary items.

And perhaps during this shopping one had to drink water from outside the house. Whereas I had the habit of drinking only pure and zero bacteria water from my house.

And then one day I suddenly fell ill, for the first two-three days I did not take the disease seriously and treated myself.

Due to this, the severity of the disease increased even more. Then finally I had to get tested by my doctor and also got pathology tests done. Tests revealed that I had a severe form of jaundice.

As soon as I came to know about the seriousness of the disease, my family members forcibly kept me at home and all the necessary tests were done.

As per the diagnosis given by a very experienced DM [Doctor of Medicine] degree holder doctor, my treatment was started and very heavy doses of medicines were given to cure me.

But I don't know why its consequences started affecting me adversely and instead of getting better, I started falling more ill.

As a result, I started feeling dizzy even while getting up from bed, I was not able to even go to the toilet without someone's support.

I started feeling that perhaps the end of my life was certain. In some 10 days my weight also reduced by 20 kg.

And then one day, disappointed with my life, I threw all the English medicines in the dustbin.

And then after searching on Google, I bought an Ayurvedic medicine for severe jaundice and started taking it.

I felt somewhat healthy after taking the medicine for 3-4 days, so I thought that if I got treatment with these Ayurvedic medicines from an experienced Ayurvedic doctor in this method, it would be even more beneficial.

And then God sent a man to me the next day who knew a doctor who used to treat stomach, liver and kidney diseases by getting them admitted in his hospital.

Without wasting any time, I reached that Ayurvedic hospital, it was a very quiet hospital situated in the middle of the mountains and full of natural herbal plants.

I stayed there for 15-20 days and got treatment and came home completely healthy. The expenditure there was also negligible. The atmosphere around that hospital was full of divine powers.

There were beautiful natural trees, fruit trees, footpaths, and a beautiful mountain river flowing around this Ayurvedic hospital, the doctor also advised me to visit it daily. And by roaming there a new energy was infused into the body.

In that hospital, there was a rule to sleep at 7 in the evening and they used to wake me up at 5 in the morning. In the name of food, he was fed only fruits or fruit juices and herbs throughout the day.

[Photo is my own]
There was no use of bread, rice, pulses, salt, sugar, ghee, spices there.
Cow's milk and buttermilk made from it were used. There were very strict rules regarding eating and drinking.

No means of entertainment was provided at that place. There was only one Yoga building in which devotional music was played. While staying there, everyone felt a supernatural divine fragrance.

And in this way I was able to overcome an obstacle in my life and get a new life when I had no hope of saving my life.

I hope you enjoyed reading this incident of my life.

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