A Start that Transformed My Life

A Start that Transformed My Life


Being away from home is something I have always been scared of right from my childhood, I have always cherished being around my parents and my siblings. The love I get from them makes me find meaning out of life. I never really imagined that anything could take me away from them for a moment. But you know it is said that we make our plans but God has the final say.

After college, supplies ceased, and there was nothing like pocket money, money for textbooks, money for handouts, and so on, Students can relate to this a lot, for most of us those were our major sources of income. Life took another dimension, I would love to call it a fresh start.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months with me stuck in the cage of dependence. Eventually, I got tired of demanding money from my parents, it was so frustrating. How can a grown-up like me still be demanding money for my needs from my parents? It just doesn't make sense.

Things became so complicated for me. During those days, I decided to join my church's youth fellowship and I became a very active member, Since I didn't really have anything to do at the moment, I considered it wise to invest my time in serving God. I got acquainted with many people and I could tell a lot of them liked me.

One fateful Monday, I got to fellowship as early as I used to and I was surprised to meet our treasurer Mrs Nathan in church already. She is a very nice woman, I didn't hesitate to walk down to where she was seated, and from behind I said good evening ma. There is one thing I love about that woman, her Smiles. Gosh! She turned and looked at me with the perfect smile and said" how are you Emma?" I am fine thank you, I replied.

Finally, I got some ventilation in my spirit because when I saw her at first I was struggling with how to go and greet her. While I was about to leave to go back to my seat, she added, "Please Emma, see me after the fellowship, I have been looking for you for some time now." "Okay ma," was my response.

As a young man or lady, you know what it means when an elder says see me after the service right? I couldn't concentrate after I received those words, a part of me was eager for the service to close so that I could hear what she wanted to say, yet another part of me was scared. Different thoughts kept running through my mind until finally, the service was over.

Normally, after church service brethren wait behind to greet each other, so I waited for her to finish her greetings and when she was done I met her. "Emma how are you"? She asked I am "I responded."

"What are you doing for a living now, I heard you are done with College"? She asked again, "Nothing ma" I replied. " Didn't you look for any private school to have at least start with ?" Well, I didn't reply to this one because I never liked the idea of teaching for once.

"Let me not keep you waiting my dear, I have a job opportunity for you. I don't really like seeing you at home without a job, you are a man and ought to have started doing something for yourself."

Hearing this my heart skipped, Of course, I have been looking for a job all this while, could this be a prayer answer? Well, God knows best, While I was still rejoicing in my heart, she said "But it is in Abuja". Hmm! This part almost ruined the moment for me because Abuja is another state, if I am to take the opportunity, it means I am going to leave home. Leaving home means starting another life. I was not really pleased with that but We exchanged contact and she said "Give me feedback tomorrow "

When I got home, I told my parents about the job and I was so surprised that they liked the idea. My father said, "Son, you need to move out and experience life out there, you have been with us for a long, go and start up your own life". Seriously I didn't like that response, I turned and looked at my mom expecting a contrary answer but she disappointed me with the beautiful smile on her face signifying her consent.

The next day, I called Mrs. Nathan and my parents spoke with her. It's someone I know too well my mom told me after the call. With that, they have more reason to let me go. A few days later arrangements were made and I was taken to Abuja, the federal capital territory of Nigeria. She's beautiful as they said. Being a village boy, i saw a lot of tall buildings i never knew existed for the first time in my life, i saw good roads, exotic cars and so on, I love the sight.

Well, here I am now, life became new again, everything was looking strange, a fresh page has been turned in my life. It was as if I was born again. I have to start from scratch.


Although the environment was new, I was lucky enough to have a good boss who gave me accommodation and food for free. His wife was like a mother, she ensured I had whatever I needed, therefore it took me a very short period of time to adapt to the environment. Even though home is always home, it took me some time to be able to cope without my family.

I never planned to leave home at all but life pushed me that way in order to be established, The journey was a tough one but it built me up. Today I am living alone, without my parents and It doesn't look as if I am missing anything, guess I have grown.

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