That Still Small Voice.


Oftentimes, we get that intense gut feeling that repeats itself more than once in our head, the little voice of advice and warning that I regret not listening to that fateful day.

I used to have a powerbank that saved me most of the time when there was no power supply. I had a faulty charger that I knew was faulty but I kept on using it since it still worked. The still small gut feeling voice kept telling me “buy another charger Esther, do not wait until it spoils something that would cost more than the charger” but still I would not listen until the day light came and I was trying to wiggle the cord on the faulty charger to get it to start working when I heard a spark “Ah” I said to myself “it has finally happened” why did I not listen, I sigh. I later got some money from my salary and purchased a new powerbank and a good functioning charger, all was going well and this new one even lasted longer than my previous one as I have used that one for a very long time already.

The time came when I was to go for a job as an adhoc staff for the elections in my country Nigeria where I had to stay overnight and start work the next day and I did not want to go out with my new power bank. I was initially using it to power my phone before I left the house as there was no electricity that moment and I did not want to leave with a flat phone. I was contemplating within myself if I should just keep the power bank in my room or give it to my younger brother to charge when PHCN brings light.

My gut feeling was more strong when it urged me to keep the powerbank and wait till my return to charge but i did not listen I kept on saying to myself “what could go wrong, even if he used it he will still charge it” and so I left the house that evening after entrusting the power bank to my brother.

After two days I returned home hoping to see my power bank fully charged and ok, only for me to discover that it was no longer working. I was so angry, I almost cried. I kept asking “what happened to my power bank?” And all I heard were stories upon stories but what could I do, it was spoiled and I could not ask him to payback.

I took it to my room, and kept trying to get it to work with tear filled eyes. Ah! If only I had just listened to my gut feeling this would not have happened to me.

The End

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