Meeting a Good Samaritan.-Creative Non-Fiction.


It is a windy morning and I am set out to attend the training of ad-hoc staffs for the upcoming elections in my country Nigeria. The total amount of transportation I need to get to the training venue and back home is about 600 Naira and what I have is just 500 Naira.

Ever since the announcement of the deadline for the old currency note, getting cash has been very difficult. Knowing this I still had some kind of hope that I could get some extra cash to make up the balance for my transportation. On leaving the house, I stop and ask each point of sale (POS) shop in my area, but all had the same answer No Cash.

Although I was sad and distraught after asking about 4 shops already, I still walked a few meters to ask more shops and even fuel stations but nothing.

I stood at a point and said to myself, “you might get cash around the training area just go first”. So with new found hope, I got into a bus and paid the first fee to the location.

After a few hours of the training, there was a time for break, i then left the class, looking outside I noticed the sun was out and high and I was feeling dehydrated but I only had 200 Naira left and I could not purchase water when my transportation was already short a 100 Naira and the persons selling where not accepting transfers.

Lucky for me, I spotted a friend from university at the venue trying to purchase water and a big lips formed a big smile, I hurried to her and she was kind enough to purchase water for me too. I thought to myself thank goodness my dehydration issue has been solved. After we spoke a while, we both decided to go look for cash, we walked around that area but could not get a POS with cash to give and the nearest bank ATM was not also dispensing cash.

I went back to the class after the break time and was really confused how I was going to go back home, I just made up my mind to use the transportation to where it will take me and probably walk the rest of the way home, which is quite a distance.

My seat mate then asked me if I went out for break and I responded with a yes but that I was unable to find what I was looking for. He asked me what that was and I explained. The good samaritan then proceeded to give me the balance for my transportation and I was very thankful and grateful. Atlas I have been saved from trekking.

I hope the issues from the new Naira note is resolved quickly and that everything goes back to normal

I apologize for being away for too long, other life events where taking up my writing time, but I am back now.

Thank you for reading

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