A moment of peace

It's all about technology now. Sometimes I sit and wonder how people existed in the past.
When there was nothing like technology, when the only thing that revolved around them was nature.

I don't think I would have been able to survive. My phone and I are best friends. For instance, I would rather search for green leaves on my phone to stare at the pictures than go outside and look at actual green leaves outside my house.

Maybe I should be ashamed to admit that I'm so dependent on my phone but that's the reason we are here…
To be honest about our lives.

Sometimes, just like the saying goes, too much of everything is not good. Technology became to much.
The endless texts, the notifications, some good and some bad.

I didn't realize that I just needed to take a step back and breath, this led me to my most memorable experience with nature
And so the tale begins…..

I woke up that day to a lot of messages on Whatsapp. The normal thing was to sit glued to my phone which was the original plan.
During this time, exams were fast approaching and preparing early would do me a lot of good.

Instead, I was holding my phone typing away. My beddie came out and announced that she was thinking of going to see her grandma in the village. She asked if I wanted to come with her.

My interest was piqued but then she told me something that completely destroyed it.
"There is no network in the village"
How would I survive without my phone?

She managed to convince me with the words, "My grandma likes to feed people until they cannot move from their seats".
And so I found myself going to her village with her.
We got there, everything was so green.

I thought I would at least get a bar but there was nothing. There was absolutely nothing to do with my phone. I was a texter. I don't play games, I find it hard to read on my phone and my playlist which was on shuffle decided to torment me with sad songs.

My beddie said I should stop tormenting myself, she was going to the stream and I could come with her if I wanted.
I was reluctant at first but eventually I caved.

It wasn't my first time going to a stream, so it wasn't thrilling or exciting.
For the first time for as long as I can remember, I dropped my phone at home.

We had to go down a slope. Like I said before, I've always been a child at heart so I made it into a competition.
"Last person to reach the stream will wash all the plates tomorrow."
So we started running. I lost but during those few seconds I laughed, there I was, having fun without my phone.

We got to the stream and everything was so clear.
Like the people in the village knew the queen which is me would visit the stream that day so they stayed away.

My beddie was the first person to enter. She fell, not dived into the water totally disrupting the peace.
Finally I went in. The first feel of the water against my feet was amazing.

Then I submerged my entire body. I couldn't swim back then, I still can't swim now but it felt surreal just simply being in the water.
I raised my face to the sky and let my body float.

I don't think I have left true peace again since then. I was one with the water, one with nature. Simply floating, letting the water carry me wherever it wanted to.

"Beddie?", She called me.
"Yes?", I answered.
"I wish the world can always be as quiet as this."
I sighed, "Me too."

We lay there for hours just letting the water take us. It was a beautiful moment. Nothing existed.
There was no worry about the exams I had to write, no worry about the issues I had to deal with.
Everything was just perfect.

All good things must come to an end. We had to leave eventually. We got back to her grandma's place and after washing the stream water off ourselves, we did one of my favorite things.
We ate.

I went to check on my phone and I realized some messages had come in.
My beddie passed by me holding a wrapper. I asked her what she was doing. She said she wanted to just lie outside and stare at the stars.
As usual, she asked if I wanted to come.
I said no this time so she left.

I sat on the bed, about to start replying messages but then, when I looked at the messages again, I realized that wasn't what I wanted to do.

So I switched off the phone, went outside and joined her.
We stared at the stars talking about everything.
It was the perfect hour for a confession night.
It was just simply the perfect hour.

I'm not much of a texter anymore. I still use my phone a lot but just sitting and replying messages isn't so easy anymore.
Priorities have changed but sometimes I let myself simply stare at earth because if there is one thing no one can argue with, it is that….
Nature is beautiful

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