A Day to Remember

I have written a lot about my Mum and I. I don't think I write enough about my Dad.
People say the girls in the family are supposed to be closest to their fathers and considering the fact that I am the only girl, the bond should be mega strong.
"Look at my little girl all grown up." My Dad smiled real big when he said this, I mean it's not everyday a nine year old starts Junior Secondary School.
We have always bonded over academics but on this particular day, as we embarked on a family trip, I realized that my Dad was one of my favorite people and all the time I've gotten to spend with him have been some of the best in my life.

I woke up all excited. The day was finally here. The day I would finally get to meet my white Aunty.
My Mum came into our room, "You children are still asleep? I thought I told you not to stay up all late."
I knew she was talking but I was too focused on my little brother.
I tried to carry him but she rebuffed me, "Is it that smelling mouth you want to use to kiss him? wake your brother up and the two of you hurry up or we are leaving without you."

The last sentence had me sprinting on my feet. It took a lot of work to drag my big brother out of bed. That boy has always been a piece of work.
Finally after all the hassle, we were in the car and our way.
My mother stared at us from the side window, "Remember to behave yourself. When you get there, the first thing you do is—"
"Greet." My brother and I completed for her.

It was supposed to be a long drive so I focused on using that time to torment my big brother.
"I'm going to tell Mum what you did."
He turned to me, "You are always telling Mum what I did."
"But I'm going to tell her what you did last week."
He turned to my Mum, "Mum your daughter is disturbing me."

My father finally spoke, "Why can't the two of you just learn to live in peace?"
"Because he has a big head."
"Because she is irritating." We said at the same time.
My father knew what would pacify us so the next eatery we saw, he turned his car.
Ice cream, that was always the answer.
My Dad and I did this thing where he would only get us ice cream and then, I would ask if he wanted, he would say no but when I took a giant scoop and offered him, he would smile and take it.
My annoying brother always liked to copy me but I know mine tasted better.

Unfortunately, our family trip came to a halt when the car suddenly stopped walking.
My Mum handed my little brother to me and she went outside to check it out with my Dad.
My Mum started arguing, "I told you to take the other car, you don't ever listen to me."
This particular trait that my Dad has, my future husband must possess it because when my Mum started her fight, he would always just keep quiet.

My father kept calm and eventually he managed to fix the fault in the car. My mother fumed throughout the rest of the drive.
My brother and I knew better than to argue again.
We got to my Uncle's house and my mother switched it up. It had always surprised me how my mother could go from behaving like a tigress to just being so sweet.
She hugged my Uncle and Aunty.
My Uncle asked, "How was the drive?"
"It was fine. Right Perry?"
I looked at my father and he agreed.
I was so surprised my Dad would just agree with her, but as I grew, I understood.

Then came the moment I had been waiting for, my Aunty revealed herself.
She smiled at me,"You must Claudia."
I could only stare like a dummy because she was so white and bright and beautiful. I had only seen people like her on Tv.
After the greetings, the adults got into their grown up talk.

My brother pulled me aside to show me one of those floaty houses that had to be inflated.
"Go and ask Dad if we can go inside."
I folded my arm, "Why do I have to ask, why can't you ask?"
We argued until my Uncle walked up to us.
"You guys want to go in?"
I nodded and that particular moment made the whole trip even better.

It was chaotic and fun as we played with our cousins. I played in the water until I was exhausted but all good things must come to an end and we had to get out of the water.
We got another round of ice cream and watched cartoons.

I went to my Dad's side as he conversed with his brother and cuddled next to him.
I whispered to him, "Aunty Vanessa is so white and Mum is so black."
He smiled, "And you are so brown."
I laughed even though I knew it wasn't funny because I love my Dad.
In the next seconds I closed my eyes with a smile on my face.

The next time I opened them, I was at home in my bed and my Dad was tucking me in.
"Yes Clo?"
"Can I have ice cream tomorrow again?"
He nodded, "Anything for my only princess."
Unfortunately I couldn't have ice cream the next day because I caught a cold but that day was a time I will never forget because I realized one thing…
If I could go back and pick my family all over again, I would pick my calm father, my aggressive mother, my annoying big brother and my adorable little brother because my family is chaotic, but I wouldn't choose it to be any other way.

All images are mine

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