Finally He Became My Husband

Hi, my name is Delfianti but I prefer to be called idel, originally I met my husband on a street when we met Saturday night. At that time he was not alone he was named Ari and two of his friends named Budi and Wawan, but I prefer Budi because Budi is more handsome and his work is pretty good, I used to put my heart on Budi and Budi did the same, until the next day we met at somewhere but Budi hasn't declared his love for me but I don't hope because I prefer friends, because I'm still in high school so I haven't focused on romance.

It's been a month that Budi and I lost contact at that time I didn't have a cellphone so it was difficult to meet or contact because I went on vacation to Jakarta, I lived with my uncle because I had finished school.

One month I was in Jakarta it was time for me to return to Medan to continue my studies to college and finally I entered college and had to focus on college, for some reason I saw Budi study there because I was curious I approached him and got acquainted with him, it turned out to be just like Budi, he is named Raka and the Raka is my classmate, it turns out that he already has a girlfriend named Bella. It turned out that Bella was a friend of mine in high school.

I thought I should focus more on college so I can graduate quickly so I can work in an office because that's what I dreamed of, and finally I finished college and was accepted to work in the office. My heart feels happy and proud of what I have worked so many years to accomplish.

I've been working in the office for a month but I haven't found a life partner yet. I have the heart to want to have a lover. one night I got a guest who knows who it was I don't even know, it turns out he said I'm a friend of Budi and Ari

"You still remember?" said the guest
"Oh, yes, I still remember," I replied

It turned out to be Wawan, so I asked how he was. Wawan suddenly asked something that surprised me.

"You already have a boyfriend Del?" Wawan said
"Not yet," I answered, I asked Wawan again, "what's the matter, bro?" I asked Wawan.

He just smiled at me. The next day he came to my house and asked me out on a date. I happened to be bored at home, so I accepted it at that time. He asked me to be his girlfriend, but I didn't want to date. I wanted to get married because I was 26 years old, but Wawan didn't want to get married yet, at that moment I decided to just be friends with him.

The next day Wawan took me to dinner with his friends and there I met Ari and I chatted a lot about the first time we met, for some reason I was more comfortable with Ari, without me realizing I asked for Ari's cellphone number and he gave it. It was late at night Wawan and I went home. When I got home, Ari called me and at that moment I felt happy that Ari called me.

The next day Ari came to my house to be closer to me and my parents, but my parents didn't like Ari because he looked like a thug and was not polite. I don't care what my parents say, that's when Ari never came to my house again, my parents forbade it.

We only communicate by phone and I always tell Ari that I am very comfortable with him. Over time I thought of him as a foster brother because he always gave full attention, Even when I was sick he always cared for me and this heart began to grow a sense of love, without shame I expressed my love for him and Ari answered I have always liked you, but I'm afraid you'll reject it because your parents don't like me. Finally, we were dating.

At first, my parents were angry with our closeness. Over time, my parents melted because I was a little against my parents. Until finally my parents agreed, we have known each other for 3 months and finally, we decided to get married and I live happily with the husband of my choice.


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