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The Lonely Diary: A Story of Hope and Belonging

How can I describe my emotions, thoughts and experiences when I've always been alone .I have seen and experienced life from such a young age. I have a collection of it. Now I'm certain I can share these experiences and I'm not alone in this

Have you ever felt a sense of loneliness while being around people? They're present physically but they just can't understand what you're going through or even relate to it. That's what loneliness is.

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Roland, a sixteen year old boy who lost his parents to a tragic accident when he was 15 went on to live with his uncle. He was sent to a unisex boarding school far away from home. The school had two tall buildings one for boys the other for girls and they shared a large compound.
Due to his parents' loss he had taught himself to be self-reliant . He didn't have any friends he kept to himself.Everyday he would wake up before the early bell to attend to his chores and pray. He spent most of his time in the library reading different books as he saw them as an escape from his loneliness

One thing about Roland is he always puts on a smile. Despite the tragic thing that happened to him at such a young age he didn't let it affect his journey in life .
He loved reading books, and in them he found different worlds where dreams came true and he could see the world from the writer's eyes and relate to them.

On visiting day, while other students eagerly awaited visits from their families, Roland's uncle never seemed to show up.He immersed himself in books and seeking companionship from his own thoughts. He would put on a brave face
everytime pretending he was expecting someone to show up. Deep down, however, he yearned for the warmth of his parents' embrace.
As weeks went by he became accustomed to the empty weekends, finding solace in reading books and his imagination.

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Roland developed a love for writing his thoughts down; he felt he could paint a picture of what was going on in his mind and maybe someone might understand him. He decided to write a book of his own, pouring his heart out into the words, expressing his dream and desires.

Days turned into weeks, weeks into months and Roland kept writing everything he thought of and put it down in his book.he always held on to the book but on this fateful day he forgot his journal in the library he ran over to look for it he searched all over he didn't find it sadly.

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As he was walking back to his hostel, he noticed a man sitting in front of his hostel, reading his journal. He was scared to approach him but he summoned courage and this man had a smile as he looked up and saw Roland. He introduced himself as Mr Isaac, a writer who had come across Roland's book in the library and had been deeply moved by them.

Mr Isaac explained to him that he was working on a book about hope and courage, and he believed Roland's story could inspire countless others. Roland was overwhelmed by what this stranger said yet he was happy inside him because he finally found someone who understood what he was going through.

With Mr Isaac's mentorship, Roland began to write more and more and Mr Isaac published his book titled Hope. and His story touched the hearts of many especially young orphans around the world.

Roland found a family who wanted to adopt him since his uncle was financially incapable of taking care of his needs. After careful consideration Roland settled in his new family who had also experienced loss and understood the depth of his longing. They welcomed Roland into their home with open arms, promising to take care of his needs and support him to achieve his dreams.

As Roland settled into his new home, he carried with him he learned during his time in boarding school. He found that having hope and being resilient can lead to unexpected events in life and that sometimes, kindness to strangers and a good first impression can bring us closer to the love and belonging we seek.

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