The Tragedy by Cesca Jove .



Hivers do you know that once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones you start having positive results.

Story Begins

Having fallen into depths of thinking since after the death of his parents.

Nike has always been thinking lately, He looks so unkempt, he looked like he was barely eating three square meals a day, looking pale and malnourished.

Nike was in his third year in the university, a student of mechanical engineering, he was the best student in his department.
He was known for his skills in dancing and some breakdance tutorial center, he has made an impact in the life of many youths who are also in his field of dancing and showing off their talents for shows and events.

As time went by, he launched his new salon where he barbs hair, well decorated and designed with expensive 3D wallpapers and it was flourishing because he employed the services of a new stylist that knows his profession too well.

 It was almost time for exams...

Nike was shocked when he saw the examination timetable on the notice board, he knew he had to read for it, he mapped out plans to read and rescheduled his activities a few days after that.
He wrote his exams and passed in flying colors, the holiday drew closer so he had time for his petty business during his holiday at home, his parents pamper him and he would always go to his business to check how they were faring.

  Finally it's Christmas!!

After a month the family traveled to the Eastern part of the country to spend the season with everyone in the family tree, his uncles and aunts, nephews, nieces, and cousins. Nike went for visitation to his grandparents from his maternal side bearing lots of fruits, wrappers, bread, and some gifts, he spent some days there, emphasizing on how the nature of the environment and how people go about their daily activities as days turn to weeks, soon it was January, Nike had to travel first because of his studies, shortly after he was back, school resumed.

Back to the hostel, he continued classes until one fateful morning his phone ranged and he picked up the phone super-excited that it was mom calling.....he picked up the call saying β€œHello Mom!!” no one replied after few minutes someone spoke saying that Mom and Dad had accident..... He was so shocked, his mouth still opened in shock trying to figure out if this was reality or perhaps he was dreaming.... he tried reaching the caller back no response.
After few minutes still in the devastating state, he called back Mom's phone twice no one picked it ... He tried again and someone told him that his dad just gave up the ghost and his mom has been hospitalized in a particular hospital.

He broke down in tears😭😭😭 cried so bitterly and he left the premises of the school environment crying and running towards the road, he boarded a straight bus to the hospital while on the bus he wept uncontrollably hoping in his deepest mind that they would be better maybe it was a nightmare or a trick, the passenger sitting close to him was just rendering sympathy to him, on getting there, he curiously went straight to the doctor but was stopped by his staff who asked him few questions and she said he should wait behind to consult the doctor first, after 5 minutes the doctor called for his attention, he sat down waiting for him to initiate the first conversation as he saw him going through the files the head nurse gave him, the doctor began β€œthis patient was brought into this facility hours ago, he was told she has multiple fractions in her body and also she has internal bleeding.

He was confused and so frustrated crying inside as he went to see her in the ward as shown in the file but before he arrived at the door the nurse said β€œbe brave Nike” he nodded his head in agreement and opened the door he sighted her at the side of the wardroom, he gulps as he walked to where she is, he stared at how she is struggling to survive through her body language, truly she had multiple injuries which look serious, as she was unable to talk at the moment he touched her face and hands showing signs of affection and love but all she could do was to smile, he stayed for a while and then told her β€œmom am coming back let me see the Doctor” but actually he wanted to see his father's body although he doesn't know if she heard what he said he knows surely that mom didn't know about dad's death.
He went to the mortuary and saw his Dad lying on a heap of dead people that were brought in barely alive, he burst into loud cries people consoled him...told him to take responsibility.

He deposited some amount of money for the commencement of his mother's treatment, friends and colleagues were calling him saying he missed test, some mocked him jokingly they didn't bother to call and ask about how he's faring. Those moments were not ready for the test as he ended the call, he went home devastated, all worn out, tired, broken he can't even eat. The following day he was busy to and fro on how to secure some cash for her treatment.
He even sold out everything he was doing to enable him to pay for mom's treatment as she was the only person scared to lose her too. He spent all his savings, sold his business out

After few weeks it seems mom was getting better he was feeling a bit relieved but was ready to suffer to assist mom and unknowingly to him mom was able to ask about that Dad and the nurse told her he was dead, in the early hours of the next morning doctor called him and told him how sorry he deeply was...He asked β€œdoctor what do you mean?” the doctor let the cat out of the bag and at that moment Nike screamed on top of his voice and fainted...after few hours he woke up. He sobs as he walked down to the hospital, took mom, and buried her too...

what a tragedy, he lost his backbone, all hope was lost, he barely eats!

Few days passed still, but he was low, lazy, and so bothered, not even that there's no money as he had sold everything he had and inherited where would he start from....he imagined himself going through suffering and stress, his thoughts went bad, thoughts of being hopeless, he can't sleep at all every time he is thinking, the thought of hanging himself came in, he battled with himself, little did he know he had high blood pressure, his temperature was so hot and he cared less about his current state he was in the verge of depression and about to give up everything when his girlfriend called him several times he didn't pick up and switched the phone off....he was heading the kitchen to pick a knife to kill himself.

Anita who is also a student of mechanical engineering, same department, she has been establishing connections with Nike because of his grades, and with time they grew fond of each other, since the sudden disappearance of Nike in the class she has been worried as to what became of him this few days, she became so worried that something might have happened to him.

Anita kept calling and calling and calling she sensed something bad might have already happened but anyways she hoped he isn't. She took her car key and drove down to his apartment on getting there she met the gateman and asked him about the welfare of Nike and he said: β€œMadam, his condition is not good at all” she hurriedly went to his home found him lying in the kitchen helplessly sobbing sorrowfully.. she consoled him all night made supper, fed him, made sure he had his bath, took him out and encourage him, she did lots of things to make him smile and promised to help him and he became more lively than usual.
The next day she told him Nike this is not the end of the road think positively...she already knew that he was low on cash. She promised him to open a business for him and gave him hope and reason to live, she slept in his home for 2 weeks and he became sound and healthy, they started discussing about a business one thought led to another and another and just as they were conversing Nike had the right idea.

          End Of Story

It's a Wrap!! Thanks for reading!

Today Nike is the biggest and richest man ever and married happily to Anita.



This story based on reality and has little fiction in it

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Love Lines From @merit.ahama

source edited with canva.

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