A Test I Almost Missed.

My University life was full of roller coaster emotions which means there were times when I was fully active at school and days when I get tired of the whole thing. It affects my real time mood as well and makes me wake up on the wrong side of the bed.
I woke up by 12:00 pm that afternoon after I had slept for over fifteen hours. My roommates weren’t beside me and when I checked the time, I saw that it was 12:00 pm and also saw three missed calls on my phone.
I wasn’t even bothered about the calls.

What’s so special that they are doing in school and if I fail, I’m not the first to fail, I said that to myself and hissed out aloud because truly, I was just so tired of everything and waking up that way, I knew I woke on the wrong side of the bed.


If I don’t wake well, I always feel tired to do all things including cooking. I went outside to tell the gatekeeper to help me get food outside and by the time I got into my room, I had missed the call of my roommate.

Ooh, what’s the problem now? I said I don’t want to talk to anyone, I said so to myself and smashed my phone on the bed. I was being very conscious of my anger so that I don’t smash my phone on the floor and it gets broken.

The calls kept on comjng repeatedly and I could have sensed that something was going on but the ignorant me only woke up onbthe wrong side of the bed and didn’t feel like talking to anyone.
The gatekeeper knocked on my door and delivered the food. I ran straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and before eating, I thought of switching off my phone so the calls coming in won’t disturb me again.
Immediately I took my phone, I saw my friend’s message where she wrote, ain’t you coming for the test?

Immediately I read that, the tireness in me flew away and I tried to on my data so I can check if it was posted on the group chat and truly, it was. Different messages began to pop up and a lot of my friends texted me already to know why I wasn’t in school.
I jumped out of my bed immediately and rushed to wear a dress. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a bike to take me to school on time.
When I eventually found one, I paid more because he wasn’t going my direction.
When I got to school, I went to my departmental hall and saw my friends writing their test while the lecturer was going round to supervise the test.

Good morning ma, I greeted the female lecturer, Mrs Ugheli and tried to go get a sit acting like nothing had happened,

Come back here! Is this the time you sre supposed to come for the test, Mrs Ugheli said and I could tell from her voice that she was angry.

No ma. I had a little accident and my dress was badly stained so I went home to wear another one, I said to her but knew very well that I was lying and as at then, the only thing that could save me was my lie.

Finally, Mrs Ugheli allowed me in the hall and I was allowed to write the test. I didn’t really know what to write because I wasn’t prepared but I was opportune to sit beside my roommate and she silently told me what to do.
After we finished the test, I went to all my friends who called or texted and started hugging them one by one because if not for their calls and texts, I may not realize that there was a test happening at that moment and that’s how I might have failed the test which might as well lead me to carrying the course over and studying it again, next year.

What were you doing at home? I even tried waking you up before I left the house but you asked me to leave you alone, my roommate said to me.


Really? That means I was fast asleep because I don’t even know when I did that. I was only sure that I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and that’s why the calls were frustrating me but thank you so much, I said to my roommate and hugged her for not making me miss the test.

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