Life can be tensed when we are in the wrong path

After 12years of slavery they got to the path of success.

Life can be so tensed especially when we are in the wrong path, and it seems like there is no way out but on stepping just a foot on the path of success everything becomes easier and brings about so many changes.

At a younger age my cousin sister named Chidinma (Chidinma means God is good) was sent out of the family for position of a maid and same place he met a young guy who was also serving as a maid in the same house.

Years back parent with low income send some of their children to serve a wealthy man for an agreed period of years and the person will get settled with a certain amount of money to start up his or her own business

My cousin sister kept asking herself when will life get better and that question had no answer as at then, she became closer friend with the young guy she meet there, as time continue they started dating which brought them much closer.

Every morning they went to the market together with their boss and they struggle all through the day to make sales, food where giving to them just once in a day which made life more difficult for them.

They both were thinking 🤔 about how to make a difference in their life.
Little did they know that they will get to the path of success very soon.

Everyday their boss increased thier task and made it became more challenging for them, my sister will always lament that she wants to live, but my mom will always advise her that in all struggles that there is a hidden path of success , she always told her to remember how difficult life is for her family so living that job tho seems like slavery will not be an ideal choice.

So there was this man that always paid attention to how my sister and her friend worked so hard without grudge and he was just encouraging them to continue that one day the will be remembered and they didn't give up.

On this faithful day they never knew that their lives was about to change, their boss sent them on a business trip outside Nigeria and they were to meet with some well known men, deliver the goods and return home.

Their story changed.

After delivery one of the man asked them if they were siblings, they told him they were just friends, he asked
For how long have you been serving your boss ?" "Over 12yrs they replied"

He said what! You mean you have been serving this young man for over 12years and nothing have changed, they said "Yes sir, the aggrement is that he will set up business for us after serving him for 15yrs so we are almost done"

The man said "I think i like you guys and will want to change your life this moment "

Both of them were surprised because they don't really understand what the man meant by hes going to change their life that moment.

It was the next morning and they had to return to base , the man gave him his contact and advised them to call him once they get to Nigeria.

They were scared because that will sound like they have blackmailed their boss and he will also fill disappointed so they didn't bother calling the man.

My sister Chidinma was like "Why should we be the one to call him, he said we are done with this slavery and he didn't give us a dime and he's expecting us to call him , we won't "

Her friend as well agreed to what she said, he added " by the way we have only 3 years so why should we ruin all we have worked for just because of a total stranger "

After two weeks it was a life changing story for them, this man called their boss and officially informed him that he will like to start up a business for my sister and her friend, at first their boss was upset but after thinking about it he decided to accept the offer for them.

He asked them to get a shop and tell him what it will cost, after verifying what is needed, this man gave them the some of 5 million Naira each and this was a huge 🪜 stepping stones to success for them.

They had a bigger business and life became better for both them and their family.

When my sister ran to my mom, my mom reminded her of what she told her about patience and Resiliency,she also told her that showing respect to people opens the door of success.

They decided to get married and they are now enjoying a happy home, tho it took a very long time, the path was very long but the path of struggles and challenges lead to the path success.

Images are mine.

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