James why!!

As we grew up gradually everyone left the village and made new friends in the city and life continues.

Tony has always known James but he never knew james heart was so bitter, james was so jealous of Tony and Tony never knew, unfortunately Tony always seeks business advice from James not knowing he was barking on the wrong tree

How it all started.

James is an orphan who never get to know who his parents were but tony had parents who struggled the little they can to train Tony, at some point when things became so difficult for Tony's parents they had to send Tony out to one of our uncle who was rich and was doing well in the urban area.

There was were Tony meet with James and they became friends, so once in a while Tony comes to the village with James and James saw how Tony's parents loved him, gradually his heart became so bad that he looked for ways to separate Tony from his family.

He couldn't achieve that easily so he focused on destroying Tony's business because Tony always seeks his advice not knowing what he had in mind.

One day they both came to the village and an old woman overheard the conversation of James with a friend and she knew that James had no good intentions for Tony, so after greetings the old woman asked Tony to see her privately , there she told her to avoid James but he never believed her, he thought she was just behaving the usual way some people behave in the village.

When they left, the old woman went to meet Tony's mom, she told her what she noticed and Tony's mom believed her, so she was on her son's neck adviceing him to avoid James but he refused and he have to face the consequences.

After some years Tony got married to a lady from our village and she was in good terms with her mother-in-law,so she told her to try and help her son avoid James, Tony's wife also tried her best but all advice were falling to deaf ears because Tony believes so much in James not knowing he was barking on the wrong tree.

The sad aspect.

At some point Tony started facing some challenges in his business so he told James and James saw that as an opportunity.

James took Tony to a so called prophet of god which he already arranged with to destroy Tony, unknownly Tony opened up to the so called man of god and he advised him to take a loan that he will grow up again from there.

Tony never discussed any of these with his wife, because he trusted his friend, Tony's mother became so anxious at some point so she called Tony but James advised Tony that this is not the right time, the so called man of god told him to focus on building up himself, he believed them and started processing the loan.

The bank needed a collateral and he have to use his house which is exactly what James wanted, so after giving the house as a collateral he got the loan and resumed his business, unfortunately the business wasn't making much profit to pay for the loan, gradually everything turned upside down and the bank took the house.

It became obvious.

Tony at that point didn't know what to do, James was just celebrating Tony's downfall and Tony never knew, at some point Tony and the wife had to relocate to the village because they couldn't afford to pay for house rent, now Tony now started regretting why he didn't seek advice from his wife, gradually when James abandoned Tony it became obvious to Tony that James was just out to destroy him and he never knew.

He regretted not listening to his mother from the onset, but now life has become soo difficult for them, the worst of all was when they lost their son because there is no adequate hospital in the village and they couldn't afford traveling to the city to seek medical attention for the boy.

Oluchi Tony's wife wasn't comfortable with everything again, this caused great issue and at the end oluchi left him and went back to the city.

He was so ashamed that when there is youth meetings he would not come out and gradually he got depressed, thank God for his loving mother and siblings who helped him to recover and bounce back after he had spent four years in the village struggling to survive.

That was how seeking advice from an enemy lead this young guy to losing almost everything he had in life.

All images are mine

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