The InkWell NonFiction Prompt : The Mirror

I had wanted my own Prince charming or maybe the knight in the shinning armor that would scoop me off my feet and take me to a castle where we would live happily ever after.

Too much of reading fairly tales novels and watching Edward and Bella.

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Life brought me back to reality as i got my fragile heart broken thus i stopped dreaming and started living.

But in all, i have been mocked, shamed, gossiped about and accused of horrible things i knew nothing about.

I decided to focus on my dream and build an empire for myself.

But can i succeed? Won't i fail again?.
I was too afraid to start all over.

The past is still fresh and the whisperings echoes.

Eyes like that of vulture's watch to see how far i can go alone.

I wake up one fateful morning and was listening to a man i respect so much on live tv. He said something that got stucked in my head till today.

If you are still looking for that one person who will change your life take a look in the mirror.

So i got up from my bed and stood in front of my mirror. I looked deeper and deeper.
And deeper...
Till i saw her.

An overcomer
A conqueror

A Princess ready to save herself she doesn't need any prince charming to save her because she refused to make herself an object of pity.

It dawned on me that i needed me to save me. So i shut my ears to the lies and turned blind eyes to their malicious acts.

Everyday of my life i repeat the above phrase to myself a thousand times to keep myself on track and my eyes set on the price.

I become unstoppable

This phrase have helped so much that i seek various self development projects and fight against mediocrity. I got to understand that mediocrity is the killer of a genius.

I embraced challenges instead of shying away from them. Challenges gave me massive room for growth. I became more opinated and travelled a lot too.

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Today as i was preparing for a date, i stopped in front of the mirror to admire a beautiful woman building her own castle and living her life without seeking for any validation.

In my struggle for perfection i became the very best of myself.

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