Life And Purpose: An Unfathomable Mystery

Being alone equals having a lot of thoughts, and having plentiful  thoughts also equal many unanswered mysteries. Such is the life we or should I say I, live.

As an introvert, I am given to privacy, and with privacy or being alone comes thoughts. So it turns out that in my alone moments I have had thoughts, millions of them really, some pleasant some not. Some of my thoughts served to enlighten me on several issues, some served to compound my confusion. And one of those thoughts are thoughts about what we humans should spend our lives doing for it to qualify as 'a life well lived or a successful  life.'  Or in other words what is our main purpose for existing as humans?

Purpose is the word. What purpose should humans be rightfully  engaged with all their days? Words like: Getting a good education, acquiring great financial possessions, having satisfying relationships, etc can come to mind. But my mind has not, up to this very moment accepted them as such. These things mentioned above are all good and make life worth living, but then my pessimistic self interjects and tells me that the ultimate end of all these worthwhile activities  make them not worthwhile at all. I mean, my pessimistic mind tells me, why get all these when they all eventually  end in the grave? So my mind marks all these wonderful things as vain merely because of how they end.

And to be fair, I enjoy all these activities, but still not very satisfied with them as things one should pursue with all his life. I have not gotten yet an answer to the question of what man's purpose in life should ultimately be, but I believe one of the best purposes a man can live for is helping fellow humans, making the world a better place. It is more of purpose to me more than siphoning billions into my bank account by means of hardwork, or having relationships that leave you satisfied or pursuing happiness in any imaginable way.

My Christian  faith tells me, and I believe what it says, of an All-powerful  God and his everlasting kingdom and righteousness being the key to that kingdom', but still it leaves the question of what man's ultimate purpose  should be, partly if not wholly unanswered.

I hope to find answers some day to my thoughts, it remains a  cloudy mystery. However I will carry on with life as best as I can, holding the belief that whatever  I do is what I should do to have lived a good life. I also hope the answers will arrive in my lifetime or maybe I will pass on from this realm and leave this piece of unsettling thought to people who will come after me as people who were before left it for me?

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