Two stories (part 1) the ink well


used to be a huge tiger in a forest. All the animals of the forest used to move very carefully because of the fear of the tiger and went out for food. Because the tiger was very big and had the ability to hunt all animals.

The tiger's favorite food was deer meat. One day while hunting a deer, the tiger was in great danger. While running after the deer, he fell into a hole. There was so much mud in the hole that he sank deep. Couldn't get up despite trying a lot.

On the other hand, a monkey saw this incident from the tree and cut the entire forest with a shriek. Everyone kept calling and dancing from tree to tree.

In other words, the monkey is very happy to see it in the tiger's den. He giggled with happiness. While dancing like this, the monkey suddenly broke a tree branch and entered the tiger's hole. Right next to the tiger's mouth.

In an instant the smiling face of the monkey turned dirty. He could not understand that today my life is over here. But the monkey shook his head.

He said to the tiger, listen, tiger brother, the dance I was doing above was not right at all. I realized that it was evil so I came down to seek your forgiveness. sorry brother

Even in our society there are certain people who enjoy seeing the danger of others. Laughing, joking and having fun. But it is not desirable at all. Anyone can be in danger at any time. Dangers and accidents never come.

Good people, bad people, whoever is in danger, if I can't help, at least I won't laugh and joke. Because it is impossible to say that we can also face that danger or even worse danger at any time.

Once five college friends planned that they would travel by train. Like talk like action. Five of them bought tickets and boarded a train. The carriage they boarded was full of passengers. Everyone was sitting quietly enjoying the train journey.

All friends thanks
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