Bad people with masks//theinkwell//nonfiction story



Actually in our life we ​​see different types of people throughout our life. About 90% of these people hide their real face behind a mask. In fact, although we know these masked people well at first, we are all surprised when their true form is revealed in front of us later. Because in the first place no one could understand that such evil was hidden in the mind of this man. In fact, when we get to know these people, a lot of time passes. Because then these people do us a lot of harm. Of course, we also never had a way of knowing in the first place.

Actually whether a person is good or bad depends on his family and nature. Actually in the first case when they grow up with bad education from the family. Since then, their bad mentality is created. Actually not all families teach their

children bad things. Every family wants their child to do well in life and benefit people. In fact, just as the family is able to change the characteristics of a person on the one hand, on the other hand, nature also depends on the good or bad things around people. In fact, if a person is born in a good family but grows up in a bad environment, then their mentality is always bad.

Because no matter how much family advises him to be good, he always accepts bad things from nature. And as a result, most of the people are inclined towards evil. In fact, if a person is born in a bad family but can grow up in a good environment, then maybe he could do something good in life.

But there is no way to know this masked man. Because these faces are considered as bad people in the society despite having a good environment and a good family, their greed is the main reason. The main reason that leads people to evil is human greed.

In this world people turn from bad to worse due to greed. In fact, if you show greed to a good person again and again, you will show greed for money and property, then maybe even if he resists in the first situation, he can accept the bad side of this greed and become rich in life.

In fact, the living world has left the world with good and bad. And if everyone in the world were good people, then this world would be more beautiful than heaven. But for these few masked bad guys, this world seems like hell to all of us. In fact, if a good person tries to bring these bad people to the good side, maybe sometimes he succeeds. But most of the time he is defeated by bad guys.

Being a good person in this world is not as easy as being a bad person. Because you don't have to work that hard to be a bad person. And becoming a good person is not just about words. You have to work very hard to become a good person and establish yourself in front of everyone in life. However, it is not possible for

everyone to be good in front of people. If you have been a good person all your life and because of some mistake someone has been harmed for this good deed, then you may have to listen a lot to people for this. But also you should always do good to people with integrity.

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