A reflection of myself.

Good day to you all here in the Inkwell community.

In life, there are times we just have to look back at how far we have gone, the years that have passed by, the friends we have made, and the deeds we put into action. Many times a lot of things must have unfolded right before our eyes and that is what later gets to shape us into who we are today. It's not always by power or might. Only if we could see what fate has in store for us.

I have lived my life and had a lot of regrets. Good days come by and worse days are also alongside. But the best of it all is reflecting on the positive sides of life and dwelling more on possibilities.

Reflection of my past.

I have made a lot of life mistakes that must have led to regrets. Many mistakes as a kid and some as a teenager. I knew there was no way I could be a perfect definition of myself. But walking past those times was just like an illusionary view over time.

There was a time when I was a kid I must have gone crazy in my thoughts about life. When I had thoughts about the reason why we have God. These thoughts got me so crazy that at some point I felt the world is just like a maze where we didn’t even get to know where we were coming from and where we were heading to.

These thoughts overwhelmed me so much to the extent that I began to think about my very existence. Why was I even given birth in the first place? Strangest questions began to roll in. Why do I have to be among my siblings and not other people? Why do I have the name Abdulqudus? And must they call me that name and I have to answer?? One question I found to be terrifying was “What is in me controlling my thoughts and telling me to do what I have to do then when I am doing it?.

Crazy thoughts all over my soul as a kid. It rolled on my mind for years not until I got to ask Mum about those questions and she gave a wonderful contribution to that. We just have to live our lives.

Mum told me I just have to believe in God for He does exist and no one should think about His existence. Life happens, we come to life not knowing who we are, but with time we get to know our true selves. No one knows about their past life and so no one knows about what the future has in place for them. We all came to this world and we shall all leave someday.

Life is like a mirror, you just have to appreciate the reflection you see right in front of you. There is nothing you can do to change the reflection of a mirror unless you are ready to damage the mirror itself or you damage yourself.

Self Reflection.

These days have been so amazing. Getting to improve my way of life, the future I am yet to see is a reflection of the past and present, but I just believe it will come out fine.

I remembered a few years back when I got admitted into the university. I was scared because I never knew how my new phase of life would turn out to be. Am I going to achieve something great or i am just going to be otherwise? Who am I making friends with and how am I not going to get involved with the wrong person? Because I believe a friend will always have some impact on your life with time.

The image of your friend will surely tell who you are and that's what people will say and know about you. I tried to be too careful choosing a friend but my first choice was perfectly the wrong person. He was not the type I could roll on with. With time I finally got to meet with a true friend.

I am not so perfect, neither was he. To some extent in our lives, we get to put in more effort and try our best, support each other, and get out of school with good grades.

Reflecting on those days made me believe I also have a promising future. I don't have to worry myself so much. All I need to do is to keep working but not to overwork myself and know when to relax and see things unfold right in front of my eyes…

HEADER IMAGE: By Pexels on Pixabay and edited canva app

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