The Not so Normal Weekend: I was very bored.

Damn, a stuffed tiger wearing human glasses. Just where did it go wrong?..

Date: Saturday, the 16th of October

Ahhh... the weekend. A time to spend the day out of the old cave huh? Go out with friends? Take a picnic? Visit a zoo perhaps? Or simply just relax and sleep in. Oh yeah... sleeping in sounds so good right about now...

You see these past few weeks have been quite busy for me and honestly, I was just very grateful to have this weekend today to relax... However, this peculiar day(Saturday) was just too goddamn relaxing that it became well.... boring!

The Weekend

Made with IbisPaintX

My day started out with me waking up around 2:30pm I think. Oh yeah, you heard me right: 2:30 freaking pm!! And I didn't even sleep late that night or get stoned or anything... I guess I was just REALLY tired. Anyway, I continued lying in bed for about an extra hour just watching episodes of people whom are physically too lazy to move. Lol, I was watching My 900lbs life...

Then after a few moments of laughter and a couple tears(somber), I saw my little cousin's old tiger seating on my bed. I stared at this tiger and it stared at me back with its enchanting eyes! All I could really think about now was one thing and one thing only... to put my glasses on his face.

Meet Kenny the Tiger

Look don't judge me, it was a really boring day for me...

Oh yeah, that feels right! Don't you think? "Yes!" I thought. "I have finally found a purpose! A mission! A reason for this boring Saturday" The reason I needed to stay alone indoors today. And so by degrees, I went on to explore what i will call my resturday...

Ever since we moved to our new place, I never really realized how odd and somewhat exotic some of the paintings were... So Kenny and I went looking around a few in the house. Okay like three(it's still a resting day you know)...

This one for example:

At first glance, I thought it was a two headed Zebra...

Did you know these 2 ancient Zebras were the almighty pioneers of the well acclaimed 2 random Zebras on a cheap portrait?? Well how could you?... You're obviously not as cultured as I am:)

And these ones:

Row, row, row your boat... gently down the boredom stream...

Did you know that these paintings won the award for best portraits smooched together with no space between them?? Well just how could you possibly know?... You obviously do not possess the eccentric artistic knowledge that I have :)

Ahh yes! I should mention that me an Kenny visited my mom whom was also on her resturday journey

Kenny admiring just how awesome I look in the day time..

I spent some time with my mom in her room, watching tv and talking about how her resturday was going and how boring mine was.

I continued watching My 900lbs life with my mom as she kept on making fun of the fat people on the show! Ha!... you would die of laughter to hear what she had to say about this guy... But seriously! Don't fat shame anybody!!

"Hold up! We're getting sidetracked!" I whispered to Kenny. "Fuckzactly! I thought i was the only one noticing!..." Kenny replied. Till this very day, it is completely unknown how Kenny communicated with me. Regardless, we kept exploring....

Kenny's face when my mom told me to take off those glasses from him

Kenny being intrigued by the artwork. Man, my cousin's gonna kill me when she finds out I took her teddy:)

The last picture before my mom kicked me out of her room. Apparently, I wasn't acting Normal

Anyway, moving on with the boring weekend, I decided to practice my clarinet. Cause between you and me.... I suck at it.

Ah... same old sheet music...

Argh... I've practice these mediocre pieces like a hundred times!!! Me not hinting you to buy a new clarinet sheet music for @zeraton Haha :) :) :) that would be weird :)

I call her Claribabe :)

Unfortunately, my cousin found out about my kidnapping of her stuffed tiger and sadly, I and Kenny had to part. However, I found solace in having Brunchy Lunch?...
Wait, Hmm... yeah!.. I'll call it Brunchy Lunch! Why not?...

Milk, cookies, and perhaps the weirdest toast I have ever seen. Hey!.. don't you fucking judge me!

Aw...the toast fell off


Back to the room then and the rest was history...Ahhh....perhaps Kenny and I would go on another Art sightseeing adventure some other time..

Well in the end, the result of the resturday was a bit of an irony if you think about it. Turns out I missed being busy and stressed out a lot! Oh, don't get me wrong, it was very nice to just relax and not stress about the weekend but, I realized that when I find myself busy: always engaging, always studying, always exploring someway, I feel a sense of purpose – a sense of meaning; that I am not just sitting on my two feet just doing nothing with my life, but that I am out there in the world engaging one way or the other for the good of myself and for the good of the whole. It's one of the joys of being busy.

For the sake of all that is holy, all photos were taken by me and Kenny using my phone.

Thanks for reading and keep exploring!

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