My Weekend at La Parisienne

Bonjour! My lovely readers.

How was your weekend? Mine was fantastic.

My friends and I went to La Vie, Parisienne in Cebu City, Philippines.


Featuring these set up just when you want to get your croissants and cannelle.

Do you remember in my last blog that I mentioned about being in a different city away from home? Well this is also a part of it.

The good thing about being away from home and exploring different cities is that you can be a stranger in that place and it means that you can be a different girl. Not that girl with all the drastic change of appearance of course. What I mean is a girl with a change of character, when she travels to another place.

I might be that girl.


This is me in a low key cropped top with makeup.

Behind me is a fish pond with Koi fish. This fountain also makes a relaxing sound especially at night when there are less cars and buzz around the busy city.

Let us go back to the picture.

I know that what I mentioned was so basic for everyone.
It is because I am a little conservative type and I never wore makeup. Yes, it was my first cropped top and I was a bit conscious so thankfully, I have my bag to cover me.

When I was in Cebu, I promised to myself that when I have the chance to visit good places such as this one, I should be confident at least. So I consider this as a start of showing a little bit off my original character.

Now let me tell you more about La Vie Parisienne!


This is their door entrance. The words La Parisienne translates to The Parisian Life.

So we will be taking a tour of their French inspired cuisine. My friends and I went there after our dinner for some snacks and wine. This is our first time to visit this place and we were very excited because we don’t have places like this in our city.



This place was so warm and cozy.

You can notice the warm colored lights they used to give that French style effect when you enter. They have lots of warm lighted crystal chandeliers all around the place as well.


Cozy couch with lots of wine storage above.

This place has a lot of greens to complement the colors of wood and white. Giving the customers a homey feeling with a touch of modern nature design.


Another wine cabinet, choose your fighter!

They also have many wine cabinets around the place. If you don’t know how to pick a good wine, you can ask for assistance from the food service employees to recommend you their bestsellers.

It is a shame that I don’t have a picture of their uniform, they wore long sleeves with black and white stripes, and a black apron, scarf paired with a red beret hat, a French style of course.


Cheese and pasta.

The ambience was so inviting!

You can choose from different varieties of pasta and more. For my friends and I, we chose to buy a small
cheese platter.


Cheese and more cheese!

Which one would you pick?

I love cheese and to have the opportunity to smell and taste different types of it was amazing. Please tell me you are also a cheese person and I am not just writing weird stuff here.


Artisan breads, sourdoughs etc.



Okay, so the ambience and the setting was romantic right? The mood was lit and you had to match it with peaceful energy while drinking champagne. Demure and classy.

I have that energy, but the problem was I was with my friends and when I matched their energy, we could be loud and noisy. So we decided to sit outside instead.


Cozy view of La Parisienne from the outside.


This was our view, and the lights inside were soothing for us. We had fun despite being loud and noisy. We ordered pizza, a cheese platter, macarons, some sweets, gelato and champagne.


Pizza for the night!


Oh artisan gelato. I had to get one.


It had to be my favorite, matcha green tea!

Just look at that luscious deep sage green color. Matcha would always be my favorite despite all the comments that it tastes like grass. Some of my friends ordered flavors such as pistachio, tablea, strawberry shortcake and more. I was tempted to order a different one of course but I would faint if I said no to matcha.


We were gorgeous, thank you.

These are my friends. The lighting and that purple tree were our best friends. This place had beautiful lights at night and we did not regret staying outside for a chit chat.


My friend Shaira in Kisses shaped swing.


Statues to complete the place.

Around the area were picturesque spots too. You can see lots of trees, swings, tents, tables and chairs just enough to take a small tour after eating.


They said yes to white tents!

Aren’t they cute?

They have these all over the place too. You can really enjoy the place and have lots of great photos taken here as well.

Our visit here was amazing and we got to try their food, desserts and more. They got good food at reasonable prices and our stay was worth it.

All in all, my weekend was to try something new, so I said yes to a new style, to a French restaurant and to laughter with friends.

I hope you had a great weekend too and a blessed weekend to come as well.

This is all my lovelies, thank you for reading!

The girl who loves cheese,


Note: All photos are mine unless stated otherwise.

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