An unsuccessful date/ Week 160

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Hi friends, it is a pleasure to be here again today I share my experience in this wonderful Community, our friend @galenkp offers us several proposals, this time I chose "Have you ever been stood up on a date? ". Below I share with you my reflection.

I have had many romantic dates, some have been successful but others not so much, they are experiences that remain in my memories and leave a learning experience, sometimes they leave a mark, in this case I will talk about a failed date I had years ago and taught me not to trust everyone.

When I was a college student, I went out a lot with my classmates, we were a group that liked to have fun, many of them had plans of conquests, in my case I only focused on studying and going out to de-stress by dancing and distracting myself with them.

One night at a party my friends were with their conquests and I was alone, and one of them asked me if I wanted to meet his cousin John, since he was also alone and could be a good match for me, because we were the same age at that time, I agreed to meet him, I don't know but I was immediately interested in the things that his cousin told me about him, so I gave him my phone number and he called me right away.

After days of intense phone calls, he decided to make an appointment with me, he told me to choose the ideal place to meet, so I did.

I was quite enthusiastic, and I chose one of my favorite places for such a date, a club on the beach, and prepared myself for such an encounter.

When the day arrived I got ready early, I dressed in a white dress, a red swimsuit, a hat and other accessories, the ideal outfit to attract a guy.

I was very anxious to meet John and I arrived early to the club, the waiter attended me kindly, I noticed that there was no one that day in that place, and that it was a weekend, the day was beautiful with a radiant sun that illuminated the sea, the birds in the sky, Well, it was a propitious environment to have a romantic date, while I was waiting for him I ordered some beers, the hours passed and John's absence was notorious, but I was still enjoying the place, I took a bath, I ate many snacks and I laughed a lot with the waiter who served me as if he knew me.

Hours went by and John never arrived, I didn't want to call him on the phone, I just ignored him until today, a few days later I found out from his cousin that he had gone to another country.

Wherever I go I always try to have a good time, that day I enjoyed myself in that nice place with first class service and I learned that we should not trust everyone.

This is my participation this weekend in the initiative of my friend @galenkp inviting my friends @marivic10 @milik80.

Weekend-Engagement 160


Captura de pantalla 2022-01-25 001845.png

Content, photographs and separators of my authorship. @wendyth16

Translated with DeepL

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