Well If I Can't Die, I'm Going To Jump!

I have a slight fear of heights. I have climbed some in my time and I have been at the edge of some treacherous mountains, but it makes me, somewhat uneasy. Which prevents me, from doing some things, that I would really like to try.

I have seen videos of people ,jumping, off of high cliffs into turquoise pools below. And it both excites me and terrifies me.


I have been hand gliding and it was definitely one of the most exciting things I have done. I was travelling in Brazil and I had the opportunity to Jump off the side of a mountain, that was covered in Jungle, to then fly over the beach, the sea and then back to the beach, where we Landed.

It was so exhilarating. But wow, it was not easy jumping off the edge. That part terrified me and yet I done it, I was so proud of myself.

I have done it once and I don't know, if I would do it again. It just feels too unnatural to me or something like that. Every part of my body, screamed no, until we met the air and lifted us upwards, where I then was gliding and it was magical.

I have travelled a bit and I have had so many opportunities, where I could have, jumped of a cliff into the sea, or off the top of a waterfall. But I never did.

If I was given the opportunity to be mortal for one weekend, then I would take myself, to the coast, where there are so many places that I could jump off the edge and land in the beautiful Mediterranean Sea.


I just want to know what it feels like, as you free fall down through the air.

I would also take the opportunity to jump from a plane, again so that I could experience free falling. I got close to it hang gliding, but it still wasn't just me and only me, dropping down through the sky.

Of course I am assuming, that not having the fear of dying, would make it easier for me to jump. And that being immortal, also means that I can't be hurt.

It's not even really a fear off dying itself, it's more that I do not want to be away from my girls. I want to be here for them, they have suffered enough loss already.

I have gotten a lot more courageous, the older I have become and especially after having children. I have birthed alone, so yeah I got most things, I reckon. Things that ultimately, don't put me too much in harms way.


So I would like, to just say yes, to the things I usually say no to. So that I can experience more of life itself. I can only imagine, how euphoric it would be after doing those things.

This is my response to the latest Weekend Engagement Concept, which featured the following question ......

You're immortal, you can't die, but only for one weekend. What do you do and why?

There was also two other questions to choose from. One of them, was having the ability to have a clone of yourself for one weekend. I do not like the idea of clones and even though one could be helpful in my day to day life, like doing all the cleaning and cooking for a while. I really don't want to miss out on any moments to be honest.

Because I put a lot of love and care into the food I make for my girls and I don't like the idea of a soulless being, making food. Cooking is quite an intimate thing really. So I chose immortality instead.

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