Motivation, involvement and responsibility - WEEK 167

Motivation, involvement and responsibility


Hello everyone

Lately I've been very busy organizing and running our holiday this year, but now the holiday is over and I'm back with you, so even though it's quite late at night (in Romania), I decided to write a few lines about how I contribute to the household chores.

When we live as a family under the same roof we assume certain responsibilities and my opinion is that we both have to support cohabitation under normal conditions.

We always have to be motivated to participate in household chores, I for one don't give up when it comes to that, I even enjoy it.

In our family from the very beginning we divided our household chores, each of us could choose what we like to do, so I do the work in the garden (I mean the hard work which is not for a woman) and my wife does the harvesting of the roads and their preparation or preservation (that is the work in the garden).

None of us was pushed from behind to do anything but everything went by itself, this contributed to building a harmonious environment, understanding, and none of us ever felt the need to avoid household chores by inventing various reasons.

When it comes to housekeeping inside the house (I know that's mostly what women do) we do it together, actually all the housework from washing the toilet and the shower to cleaning the vegetables to be put in the soup we do together, the only housework I don't do is washing the dishes, I don't know why but I really hate it.

Moreover, we already have some habits, we have certain days when certain household chores are already scheduled and this is the motivation, involvement and responsibility of each of us.

In conclusion, I can say that I actively participate in household chores and I don't have to look for excuses not to participate in these chores which are not exclusively for one person.

So I apologize that I can't offer you any secrets on how to get rid of housework because I don't actually know any, so my advice to you is exactly the title of my post today.

If you liked what you saw and read here please don't forget to give a LiKe, Follow, reBlog or a Comment, for all this I thank you, and until the next post I say goodbye.

P.S. The attached pictures you have just seen are taken by me with my mobile phone, and the text is also designed by me.

Yours @triplug😉

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