Frugal Fun for the Weekend


Frugal Fun Day

This is just the holiday I needed after dropping close to $100 dollars on dinner last night. Apparently, I wasn't paying attention on World Financial Planning Day. Nonetheless, I was happy to have celebrated with tacos yesterday, and today, I found my way again.

I celebrated with some frugal fun.


Hiking Bolton Notch

The hike was only two miles? That's criminal for how much my dogs are barking. Even New Balance trailrunners couldn't save me from some of the jagged peaks we climbed. Those in the game say "we summited" but that slang is reserved for the regulars.

I'm stretching my toes as I type this. A 'cuba libre' in my cup has about a sip left, the lime leaning limply in the short glass. After three hours on the trail, I was ready to run the check up for dinner tonight, but my better half suggested we invite her brother over for a humble dinner of pierogi & kielbasa.

And to that, my wallet excitedly agreed. I could wax poetic about the rolling hills and sunshine peering through the trees, forming god rays, but I'll let the photos do the talking.


Weekend Experience Prompt

I'm going to take a moment to respond to a prompt from the weekend experience community in this space, since it also features what I did and am doing this weekend.

What makes you special to others, endears you to them? Explain in your own words and give examples. Use your own photos.

I think most people would agree that I am passionate. I also express a great deal of positivity. That's what makes me special to others. I'll expound on that, don't worry.


I just think, describing myself anyway, that I am very exuberant in expressing excitement for things. I eat a meal gratefully, no matter where I am. I learned that wasting food isn't good and in general, I do have an appetite.

I believe in determination and perseverance intensely, maybe moreso because there are some things I didn't accomplish, that looking back I may've if I strived.

Rather, I don't like thinking there was more I could've done. That's not to say I regret, so much as I aim to give things my all. There were times I remember I chose to slack or let off on the gas for whatever reason. I assumed I was okay, or even ahead, so I rested on my laurels. Those times, like when I didn't make the soccer team my junior year of high school, or get to play on the rugby team for the state finals like the rest of my peers, stuck with me.


I also feel that way about my dealings with other people, no matter the context. You know, I'm so honest and upfront with people these days, because in college, I was struggling with classes and I didn't tell my roommates or girlfriend at the time.

I wasn't honest with them, because I wasn't honest with myself back then. So people might appreciate how much wisdom I share, in part from my past experiences and from the written word of others. I love reading, even if I stop before finishing books sometimes.


I am a bleeding pragmatist. I refuse to believe there isn't a solution, a remedy to most maladies, most problems. People down on their luck sadden me, and once I've heard it enough, even anger me. I get angry when I hear people bemoan their stations because I've seen suffering, even situations I pity, and those people didn't do anything but sing and smile.

I've seen myself, complain about work, then cry when I missed the goal or meet my objective. My reflective nature revealed to me, at least, that even if I wasn't successful, there was nothing I could complain about having given everything. I think to myself, even now, the reason I cry when I failed before is because a part of me believes I didn't put more effort in.


It's because sometimes, I realize, I don't put my heart and soul into everything that I get angry when others give up before they do. That was my mistake, and I hurt people for it. I hurt myself. I lost touch with others. And I didn't very much like that.

Maybe people like my way with words or creativity, but in a way, they're saying that they like how I read and express myself constantly. I was writing even in notebooks for no one to see long before I got onto a blog and spilled my guts.

I think people like me because I am generally not afraid to say what I think. I don't lie anymore. I grew out of that after suffering for those stupid lies- that fear that the truth would be a greater issue than telling people, how it is- or how I think it is.

Another interesting prompt to respond to from an excellent way to engage the community, talking about their days.

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