Care for a cup of tea, Your Majesty?

source from a mural I took a picture of in Belfast, Northern Ireland

I have to be seen to be believed.

Queen Elizabeth II

Eddie Wildlife was sat in a small oak room in Windsor Castle about to meet someone, this is their conversation.

HRH Come away in you wee rascal, how are you Eddie? My, look at how much you have grown!
Me I am fantastic Your Majesty, how are you?

HRH I am well. You know, my mama used to call me Lilibeth but I allow my family to call me mama and as you are family Eddie, you may call me mama as well.
Me Yes Your maj I mean yes mama.

HRH Come and sit beside me, Muick get down.
A young corgi dog gets off the sofa and lays down on the floor, meanwhile Eddie sits on the sofa
Me That's better

HRH For goodness sake Muick will you stop that.
Me Oh it's okay mama I am sure he will stop
Eddie is moving his leg trying to stop Muick humping it. Normality is restored as the door opens and in walks a butler carrying a silver tray.

HRH Now then, what have you been up to these past few years since we last met? Oh look, you still have your scar I see.
Eddie looks down at his left thumb.
Me How did you know about that?

HRH We don't have the best secret service for nothing you know. I actually called your Matron just to check you that were okay.
Not being prone to being easily embarrassed Eddie's cheeks turned a faint pink.
Me Ah you are a sneaky so and so mama

HRH I have worked every day of the year for the past 69 years, can you imagine that Eddie, anyway you don't work that long without learning a trick or two. How is your singing voice? You simply must sing for me right now!
Me It has been many years since I sang to you, and of course I am now an adult, so my voice is deeper. Let me see what I can do.
Eddie gets up and sings the first couple of verses of God Save The Queen.

HRH Stop Stop Stop, do you know how bored I am of hearing that Eddie! Sing me something fun.
Me Yes mama, let's try again.
Eddie grabs the sugar shaker and cradles it like a microphone, then starts belting out his rendition of Under Pressure the timeless classic by Queen/David Bowie.**

HRH Yes yes yes, how clever singing Queen for the Queen, Eddie. I love it, now sit down before Muick steals your seat again.
Me Sure thing mama, I hope you liked it.

HRH I did, but you never answered why you are down in this neck of the woods Eddie.
Me Well, I was hoping to do this at Balmoral, but I know since you caught Covid you are not keen on leaving Windsor Castle, so we are doing it here.

HRH I know that, but why come to see me now?
Me Blame that blooming Aussie fella @galenkp , I had to write a post about who I would like to meet for his community. Although I am cheating, I would like to meet you again, and have a wee chat, as last time I was still a wee bairn.

HRH Oh good and Eddie, have you been watching on Thursday nights the football? My Queens XI really are amazing, they destroyed the Germans, and then gave the Serbians a doing over too. I do love it.
Me Hehe Rangers are doing amazing mama, if we are lucky the Queens XI could win the Europa League for you.

HRH Oh I hope they do, let's show that Sturgeon women that we are the people!
Me You know it mama, No Surrender, we are the people.

HRH Let's drink to that.
Me Let's do and then I have one question to ask you if I may.

The both take sips of their Jade Fire Tea.

HRH So what does the young rascal want to ask me?
Me What is your one regret whilst you have been Queen?

HRH Oh that is a tough one, but what makes me the most sad you know. Is the fact that I was unable to help foster world peace. Just when it looks like humans start to learn to live in harmony with each other, something happens.
My heart goes out to the people of Ukraine just as it does to the ordinary people involved in every other war conflict or skirmish that is ongoing at the moment.
Me Yes I am agree, it breaks my heart too.

HRH That is the time for my nap.
Me Of course mama, thank you for taking the time to see me. I will let myself out.

Hello Hello and Happy Sunday

The above was a piece of faction, my favourite blend of fact and fiction!
Did you spot the facts in there?

It is the last day weekend which means that it is time to engage in The Weekend community and submit a blog for WE92. You can find the topic here and I have chosen Topic one, which I have detailed below quoting from the original post by @galenkp

Topic one: Who would you like to meet

Tell us who you would love to meet and spend time with, and why you would like to meet them. Choose any person alive on the planet today, your family members are excluded, and talk about the meeting, the setting, discussions, or events that may take place. Answer seriously or with humour, the choice is yours.

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