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Fulfilling and Living my best life: My three pillars.

Hi everyone! I hope we are having a nice weekend. If so, praise be to God. This is my first time joining the challenge. And this is my entry.


According to Audrey Hepburn, "the most important thing is to enjoy your life and to be happy; that's all that matters". I couldn't agree more. As I embark on the journey to define what "living my best life" means to me, I have realized that three fundamental elements stand out.

1: To be healthy

There is a proverb that says "health is wealth", and it align with my justification: there is no better feeling in this world than to be healthy. Being healthy is the most fulfilling sensation there is. Every morning when you awake, your body is healthy and free of illness and mental issues. Most times, we look down on the blessing God has bestowed on us, which is good health. For me, true happiness comes from having a sound body and mind.

2: Being comfortable : Beyond the necessities, I believe that being comfortable for me means sharing my blessings with others. Even though I do not desire to be extremely rich, all I ask from God is financial stability so I can help others in need. This comfort to me goes beyond myself and makes it possible for me to be a generous person to others. It's about being certain that I can improve the lives of others.

3: Living a life of purpose: In conclusion, beyond health and comfort, I think living my best life also includes living a life of purpose. This entails waking up each day with a sense of direction, having a career path that makes me happy, doing what makes me happy, setting goals, and pursuing passion. No matter how small, true happiness comes from fulfilling one's dream and making a positive impact in the society.

In conclusion, living my best life revolves around these three pillars: health, comfort, and purpose. And as I embark on life's journey, I'm looking forward to discovering what it means to truly embrace life's joy.

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