Leaf from the Book

I like the splash image for this article today. It is quite simple, but also somehow dramatic and, it could symbolize many things. I took it today as we walked around a patch of forest in the city (yes, that is possible in Finland) before going and doing a little bit of shopping. Mostly things we needed - like a trip to the pharmacy, which seems to be where a lot of our money goes these days.


Perhaps the leaf represents illness.

Today though, there wasn't too much talk about health and instead we just wandered around through the forest paths enjoying the weather. It now feels like "proper" autumn finally, and we were more rugged up than we have been recently. Gloves and all.



But, there are still some signs of late summer around, with blueberries still to be found, and even the odd raspberry also. We ate some blueberries to work up an appetite to have cinnamon donuts at the top of the hill. However, when we got there, the line was very long (like usual) but thankfully we read the sign that they were out of the gluten-free option, so we walked away. They are my favorite, but I can't eat them if my wife and daughter can't have one too.

Smallsteps wasn't happy.

We all have to learn how to live with disappointment though. However, on this day, we decided to go to a café that we knew will have something she can eat instead. As well as it gave a chance for her to play more in the park. I don't remember my parents making these kinds of concessions for me when I was a kid, but I also don't consider them as great parents.




I don't really know what "great parents" might be, though I know what they aren't and, I know that I am far from it. But I am less far than my parents were. I guess that is a generational improvement. Incremental for sure, but at least I think it is heading in the right direction.

Perhaps I am learning something after all.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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