
Shopping is something that everyone does in their life to buy the things they want or need. I am no exception. Today, I want to share a place I like to shop for snacks. It's none other than 7 Eleven which is convenience chain store around the world. I heard Japan has the best 7 eleven stores and I will definitely have to find out one day.

Anyways this particular 7 Eleven is in Malaysia and it takes about 5-7 minutes to walk there from my house. I like to go here because it's near my house and it has most of the snacks that I want or need. Just a fun fact on how 7 Eleven's name came to be, there was a time when they wanted to change their name and they changed name to their opening hours which was from 7am-11pm. This was in the past though and now not all stores follow these hours.


This particular 7 Eleven has three aisles. I think this is the average size of a 7 Eleven store because I've went into a few. It has tons of different types of snacks and foods with drinks that are cold or room or temperature. You can also find pencils, pens, and house things. There also cigarettes at the front and vaping stuff which I feel that's where they make most of their money since it's right behind the cash register.


For me, I usually go for 100 plus which is similar to Sprite in a way that's the best comparison I have. Then I will usually go for Pocky Strawberry, Lays and sometimes M&M's or a Ferrero Rocher. Today, I went for the Classic Lay's and 100 Plus.

My favorite snack though is Lay's Kettle Cooked Jalapeno and sadly they don't have it at 7 Eleven. I was able to find it in anther grocery store not too long ago which I was kind of happy about since the last time I was able to eat this was when I was still living in California.



I used to eat a lot of snacks when I was younger. I think there were a few times my mom was speechless because the pantry kept missing food because my brother and I would finish all the snacks super fast so she actually helped control us by not buying it all the time. Nowadays, I don't eat snacks as much but it's still good time to time.

Hope you all have a great weekend and do let me know in the comments what your favorite chips and if you knew the story behind 7 Eleven's name.

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