A Fruitful Day with My Niece: Attending GSP SCHOOL CAMP - Backyard Camping

Hello, wonderful friends in this beautiful community. How are you today? How was your weekend going? I hope everyone is safe and sound as we go through our daily grind. For today, I will be sharing with you how I spent my weekend with my niece attending her girl scout school backyard camping.

This is not my usual thing to be a nanny to my niece for a whole day. But sad to say my sister has some errands to attend at another district so my sister asks a favor to be in school to watch my niece because today is their camping day.

I couldn't say no to her because I felt so worried also for my niece if no one will be attending to her needs.

Getting Ready for the Camping

My niece woke up early today and was very excited to attend her camping. I packed all her things needed for the school camping and got her ready for there will be a parade happening at 8:00 am.

She is very much happy seeing her classmates wearing also the twinkler uniform.

Because we are still early going to school I have the time to roam around and take pictures of the different tents. These wonderful tents will not be possible without the help and initiative of the teachers, parents, and students who are extending help to make these happen.

The Different Tents

Four tents were standing in "Camp Neil". Two tents for the girls, one for the star, and one for the twinklers.

Teachers and parents make use of the curtains found at home to create these simple homey tents.

The Twinkler Scouts

The Star Scouts

Twinklers and star scouts are not required to sleep in school. While girl scouts are allowed to sleep in school with the permission of their parents so they learn to become independent individuals together with their teachers.

Girl scouts were bringing some stuff to be used during nighttime, and they were also bringing food to share with everyone. As I arrived at school, some girl scouts still eat. Training them early will make them responsible.

Opening Ceremony and Parade

During the opening, every group is presenting their yell, motto, and promise. It's good to hear these yell one more time. I remember during my camping days we also do the same thing.

My niece is very much happy shouting their yell. While at home, she is also having a practice about their yell, twinkler motto, and twinkler promise.

After the short opening, the scouts are taking their short parade in the area surrounding the school. Teachers and parents are also joining the parades to ensure their children's safety.

My niece is very happy holding the twinkler banner. And I'm so happy that she is very eager to join the parade with her friends.

The Games Played

After the parade, teachers are also preparing some games for the scouts to learn to socialize with others.

The first game is animal sound. Every team is assigned an animal sound. Each member of the team will be blindfolded and mixed with other scouts. When the facilitator says the "go signal", they will start to look for their group members through the sounds assigned to them.

It was so fun because some of the scouts are being mixed with other teams. My niece which is assigned to the sound of the cat is now mixed with the sound of the goat.

Parents were laughing at their children seeing them enjoying the game. Though my niece did not win seeing her enjoying the activity is worth my time.

Another game played is the "longest line". Scouts are grouped into five. Each group will make the longest line with the use of the things they wear.

Seeing the different groups, every team is very eager to make the team win. Some are taking off their uniforms, belt, socks, shoes, scarf, and ropes they bring with them.

My niece is assigned to group 1. And I told her to take off her shoes, and scarf and give it to their "ate" or the bigger girl scouts to add it to their line. She is hesitant to take off her things because she's afraid they might get interchange with others.

She only takes off her scarf. And while the scarf is lined up into their line. She is also standing where the scarf is being placed. I am so happy for her because she is now responsible for the things she is wearing.

Though students are happy having the "longest line" game for me this is not an advisable game. Because after the game, some scouts make interchange things with other scouts which is quite a hassle in finding and returning the original one.

Time with Friends

After the game, a short break is given. All the scouts are back in their tents. During their break, my niece is eating her snacks with her friends.

They were told by the teacher that they should eat in the dining area only and not in the living area or bedroom. Teaching them the right way will make them learn as young as they are. Together with her friends, they eat together in the dining area.

Observing the tents for twinklers is the different spaces that can be found in a house. There's a bedroom, living area, dining area, and kitchen.

My niece is also enjoying taking pictures with her cousin and friends. During the break, the twinkler troop leader is also teaching the twinkler how to do knot tying. She is teaching the parents how to tie the scarf using a square knot. Parents are very much willing to learn to teach their children the correct one.


Before the campfire, the teachers were having their rehearsal for the campfire tonight.

Scouts were eager to perform their yell and dance steps during the rehearsal.

It was dark already. Some parents are helping the scouts to look for dry trees to be used in the campfire. The scouts make a big square surrounding the big fire.

One by one, the emcee called the different groups and gracefully perform their yell and dance steps.

Scouts were very much happy the entire day. Though there were warnings for some rain, scouts, and parents were still waiting and willing to stay in school and attend the campfire. The day ended with a campfire and singing the song "Auld Lang Syne".

Awarding Ceremony and Clean-up Drive

On the second day, scouts do the clean-up drive on the entire campus. Scouts are very much willing to help in cleaning the school grounds and pulling off their tents.

I'm happy that my niece is becoming responsible for helping their teachers and parents in cleaning the area.

Afterward, scouts have given their certificates for a job well done for the entire 2 days of GSP School Camp: Backyard Camping.

Indeed, that was a fruitful weekend. Seeing her happy attending the camping is worth my time.

As the theme event says, "Girl Scouting Through the Years, Adapting Change in Embracing the Future", we should teach the younger ones how to adapt to the changes that may be useful for them in the future.

Teaching young ones early will make them more responsible individuals, become independent, learn to socialize with others, and be confident in themselves.

Thank you for reading this far my Hive friends and for supporting my blog! That's all for today's blog. See you around. Keep safe everyone!

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