Weekend Experience At The Magnificent Views of Lawis Grand Canyon

The vivid green scenery made my day as I experienced the magnificent views of the Philippine Grand Canyon, popularly known as the Lawis Grand Canyon.

Bukidnon, Mindanao, Philippines, is renowned for its spectacular views of mountains and highlands. And one of the fantastic attractions is the Lawis Grand Canyon.

Lawis Grand Canyon is a towering, untouched nature surrounded by the long, winding river of Tagoloan and untamed forests and grasslands. It lies in Lunocan, near Sitio Awol, at Manolo Fortich in the province of Bukidnon.

It is the Philippine version of the Grand Canyon in the United States, being called by many as Lawis Grand Canyon having similarities based on its genuinely steep ridges.

The plateaus in the grand canyon soothe my heart as they provide comfort with their breathtaking views. Its lush greenery is genuinely refreshing, and I felt relaxed as I watched the pristine view of The surroundings.

I cannot help but take numerous candid selfies with my Hiveshirt, which was my first time going here. Hiking and camping here were so worth it during the daytime.

Indeed, the breathtaking scenery, with a clear sight of the grand canyon before me, is spectacular and captivating. I could feel a glimpse of the gentle breeze slowly embracing me graciously, which warmths my soul blissfully.

Tall bamboo trees surround the grand canyon. And then I heard sweet mellow melodies by a flock of beauteous birds living in the beautiful trees with the most picturesque view of an exciting and stunning mountain. I love such Idyllic scenery through the wondrously fantastic nature that glows radially.

It was an unplanned trip. I thought it would be raining, but when I checked the weather, it was cloudy. All of a sudden, we decided to go to Lawis. We left home around noon and arrived at the destination at almost 1:30 in the afternoon.

It is not so far from my place, but since the road was so rough, we had to take quite a long time to arrive. Upon going there, the road was not good because it was full of stones, rocks, and mud. And there were lots of blind curves too. However, everything was so worth it.

Going there made me reflect on the rough seasons of life and made me reflect about it. The world may have thousands of paths. Yet, I would always choose to take a complicated and uneven way, for I am typically headstrong and solely love getting my path toward a boundless horizon.

Even if the roads get enormously rough every single day, I have come to accept that existence gracefully will always have great heights for mediocrity as is a road, and so with a gloriously straight life which matters most on how a weakly strong soul has become the toughest while holding on with a very tight hug on the roughest of everything throughout all inclement seasons.

Strangely thinking and yearning that every soul's intuitive perception of a glorious visionary dream should be similar to how anyone from afar views a majestic mountain. At its wonderfully perfect distance, it is blindingly close to the eyesight yet surprisingly far, startling, and awe-inspiring as perceived by an enthusiastic and curious spectator with a more profound sense of passion and commitment to keep going.

Somewhere in the wilderness, with a breezy, carefree setting and a fun-filled learning encounter overloaded with overwhelming happiness, is what my heart truly desires where I can smile through.

Wilderness is an inspiring spot as it mirrors an extensive and almost unexplored nature of mysterious weeds and bushes that is unbounded with apparently unending pleasure and dissatisfaction through thick and thin with lots of thrills and chills.

In that way, wherever I want to go with my thoughts and emotions, I always want to flow with the flow, and the wind will take me wherever I want to go to the correct destination at the most perfectly imperfect time beyond your boundaries, yet always remember to adjust the direction of the favorable wind.

Moreover, I always love to travel wherever the direction of the wind takes me. And explore new sites has always given me so much joy and happiness. What is good here is having no entrance fee. Since there was no electricity and accommodation, we brought food, grilling equipment, and speakers. So while grilling the fish and meat, we had an excellent sound trip. After we cooked the food, we had our lunch.

It is the best place to go camping or hiking in the plains or plateaus. But we brought a lot of supplies earlier as it is eight kilometers from the Highway, and there are no available stores or accommodations nearby. A blend of untouched nature and heavenly views made it so relaxed, and anyone could travel here freely.

Perhaps it was a scenic and relaxing camping experience on a beautiful weekend.

The panoramic view of the Grand Canyon or Lawis is one of the most spectacular sights I have seen in my hometown. I hope to be back here next time to witness a glorious sunrise and sunset.

Disclaimer: All texts and photos are my own unless otherwise stated.

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