Opportunity makes an honest man.


Sometimes an attempt is made to compensate for the lack of stature of a politician with the phrase: «but he is an honest person». Sounds like meaningless words to me. They sound to me as if someone were saying that someone is mediocre, but on the other hand he has two arms and two legs. Honesty should be the sine qua non of the politician. And by honesty, I mean above all the instinctive and reasoned repulsion to sell oneself or to change clothes for a bribe or for a prestigious position

Andrea Camilleri

And also this week Friday has arrived which, from a creative point of view, means WEEKEND EXPERIENCES for me!

And as always, even this week, you can indulge yourself with the suggested topics.

So let's start by communicating my choice and giving some context; I will address the fourth topic you ask, honest or not?
Let's contextualize, the photo you see as the cover is the offending object; after an afternoon of shopping at the Reggina Calcio store, my favorite team, as I left the store and checked the receipt, I realized that the saleswoman hadn't inserted the aforementioned overalls.
Let's be clear about cheap stuff since everything I bought belonged to the previous season, with the old sponsor and, therefore, everything heavily discounted even up to 70%.

Yes, the biggest discount was on this tracksuit, bought for just 16 euros while it cost almost 80 euros until the end of the previous football season!

Naturally, after realizing the mistake, I went back to the shop and pointed it out by paying what I owed.

Amazed looks from everyone, thanks from the sales assistant who, otherwise, would have lost his pocket money, in short, I was treated as if I were the most honest person in the world; obviously I was very pleased even if, for me, that gesture was completely normal.
Going even deeper into the context, you must know that in my city this is not actually a normal gesture and, for 80% of the population, I was simply a "fool" not to take advantage of that wonderful opportunity.

I don't feel like a fool to be honest, whether it's 1 or 1000 euros.

This event that I told you about was just to give an example but, I confess, it happened to me other times and I always went back to pay the due also because, usually, when these things happen it is the clerk who loses out and, in any case , for the person who made the mistake it is work and, as far as I am concerned, it is never right to take advantage of a mistake made by someone who is working to bring bread home.

Honesty is very important to me, it's a value that has been instilled in me since I was a child first of all by my family and later in all the circles I've frequented such as the Scouts for example.

Well let's say that the football team I played for didn't always preach this value he eh!

In reality, being honest is so important to me that, even when I play football, before I fall to the ground and get fouled, I really have to be shot in the legs; I believe that in sport, loyalty is one of those things that children should be taught right away; certainly everything is more complicated if you look at the fields played by professionals on Sunday where you see antics bordering on the tolerable.

However we carry on, the main topic is not sport but honesty.
For me it's something really visceral, I can't be dishonest, stealing, lying or cheating it's my honor and I don't want to tarnish it for any reason in the world.

If a scout says: "It is so, on my honour", this means that it is indeed so, just as if he had taken the most solemn oath. (BP)

The first step of the Scout law reads: "place their honor in deserving trust"; in my land and in general in many parts of southern Italy the word "honor" is abused.
There are regions where being a man of honor means anything but being a person deserving of respect.

Here, perhaps it is also for this reason that for me being honest and always keeping my honor intact is fundamental; it is said that if we want to change the world we have to start with ourselves.
I am a person who respects the law and I must not change this side of my character, however, if I want a more honest and worth living world, I must be the first to set an example with my deeds and actions. and not simply in words.

I know that there are many who are not very interested in this World but we should all remember, again as Baden Powell said, that we have not inherited this world from our Fathers but we have borrowed it from our children and, to them, we must give it back better than how we found it; this was something that already mattered a lot to me in the past, today that I'm about to become a Father it has an even greater value.

When I talk about honesty I dwell and, personally, it always seems to me something useless because it is taken for granted; unfortunately I have become aware that, at least in my part, it is not so obvious so even talking about it is important, of course it is even more important to carry out actions that are an example for future generations and I, in my small way, always try.

Well I think I've talked enough for today heh heh!
Thank you as always for getting to this point.
What do you think of honesty?
Have you ever found yourself in situations similar to the one I described at the beginning?
Let me know your answers in the comments along with your thoughts, your ideas and your opinion on what I wrote.

Hug you!

🔘 🔘 🔘

Brave heart and gentle tongue will take you far into the jungle...

English is not my first language but I try, please forgive any errors.

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