Invite or be invited?


Appointments that destiny fixes for you always have to do with a pair of eyes and a sky of colors never seen before.

(Fabrizio Caramagna)

And here I am like every Friday ready for my weekend experience!

As always, thanks @galenkp ! You always give many great ideas with a truly extraordinary punctuality, not skipping a Friday is not for everyone, you are great!

We come to us, today I chose to speak, as you can understand from the title of the "request" for an appointment.

Simple topic but which can still prove difficult, especially for a man born in Southern Italy like me heh heh!

You must know that here with us they are very old-fashioned therefore it should be the man who invites the woman to go out; something for me more than old-fashioned quite retrograde but as they say ... country that you go customs that are grim.

Fortunately for me I have lived in many other places and traveled quite a bit so my character and my way of being and living have many contaminations.

The same thing goes for my wife, probably also for this reason we find ourselves wonderful.

In the past it has happened to me more than once to be invited out for a dinner or perhaps for a simple aperitif by a girl; I have to admit that it almost always happened in cities that weren't mine.

Girls have asked me to go out both in Milan and in Florence but also in Foggia, this thing surprised me a bit since the latter city is located in Puglia and, if you want, the mentality is practically identical to that of Reggio Calabria.

Of course in my city if you wait for a girl to ask you out, with very rare exceptions, you can easily put your mind at rest in the knowledge that you will remain single for life, lol!

For me it has always been indifferent because I believe that when we like each other, the important thing is to be together, to spend time together and it doesn't matter who invites whom.

As far as devices are concerned, I'm glad to think that, practically, as far as I'm concerned, I've always asked girls to go out without the help of smartphones; I must admit though that the most important woman in my life I asked to meet again through technology, life is really strange sometimes.

Are you curious?

The fact is that when Reny and I started to hear each other again we lived in two different cities so the smartphone was our great ally; of course it must be said that as soon as possible I took the car and ran away to Rome with her and actually all the important "requests" I made in person.

From this point of view I think I'm a bit old-fashioned too; it doesn't matter who it is to invite or ask, however, the way I am made, it is always more beautiful that it is done in person by looking into each other's eyes.

In the end, if we look at it from the "productive" point of view, the important thing is the result, right?

Well, I'll stop here for today, I was perhaps a little more concise than the other times but I have a series of jobs in the garden waiting for me and I necessarily have to help my Dad; today is really hot and I would like to avoid the fatigue as much as possible.
Of course he too is old-fashioned and doesn't hold back when it comes to work but, with some stratagem, I'll be able to make him work much less eh eh!

As always, thanks for getting this far.
Tell me, do you prefer to invite a girl or be invited?
Did you take the first step on your first date?
Would you define yourself as a bit more old-fashioned or modern?
If you like, let me know your answers and thoughts in the comments below.

Hug You!

🔘 🔘 🔘

"Yes, I too was born among men. I had never seen the Jungle. They passed me food from behind bars in an iron container until one night I felt that I was Bagheera, the Panther, and not a plaything for men. I broke the stupid lock with a swipe of my paw and left. And since I had learned the tricks of men, in the Jungle, I became more terrible than Shere Khan."

The texts are translated with simultaneous translators; for the avoidance of doubt I have decided that they will all be translated exclusively with Google Translate.
Of course, English is not my first language but I try, forgive any mistakes and imperfections of Translate.

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