Curiosity is important - Sweet smile and full of questions! WE85


I have been through a lot in my life from childhood to growing up, the bitter sweetness of life is a challenge that has grown me to be independent and between each other. Today I can look back on the past with a sweet smile when I had to hold my head up.

Describe something that piqued your interest or curiosity but you actually knew nothing about. Why were you curious about it and how did you satisfy that curiosity?

At that time I was a naughty child and always went looking for ditches with small nets, in order to find fresh water fish. Well, when I came home from school, I always stole opportunities to travel to sewer places alone. My clothes and and body are muddy and not afraid of parents, I think this is very fun and get some cork fish to cook. 😂

  • I want to know what it's like to search for a mouthful of rice, and look for the rubble of rupiah (USD). 😜

  • Looking for fun alone, I think is more fun than and lazing at home.


I know nothing about someone who is successful.

At that time I preferred to have fun with what I was doing, playing with friends tirelessly and not knowing what the purpose of a successful life was, I only thought when it was eating and drinking, and asking for gifts from parents such as toys, clothes new and on vacation to childhood friends.

People call me half sailor, why do they call my name like that? I often look for gutters and bring the fish home to raise. ðŸĪŠ
I wanted to know what it was like to be a hard worker, and how I felt when I was them.

I don't complain and feel tired, sometimes at night I can't sleep, and nag. The next day my mother looked for me and brought a small piece of wood, it seemed that she was very angry because she thought I was always playing in the mud and playing in the gutter.

I took the millipede step and avoided my mother with a deep fear, at that time I was like a madman and afraid to go home. 😎

An experience that taught me to think more maturely.

Over time I became an obedient person to my parents, they taught me to study hard, gave me insight into what the purpose of studying is, here I think long, why do I learn many things, and learn not to be naughty.


According to the facts about the lesson, I choose to read physics textbooks, here are written many ways to prove the many roads to Rhoma, I pay attention to the things I need to remind, why we should know big enough science in everyday life.

After I explore what happens in life is always a top priority, today I am growing up, and I found many conveniences after becoming a useful person, I am very grateful that my small life has many question marks, today my curiosity has been answered it's in my life.

Be patient to stand up, all questions answered already!

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