Weekend Ghost Story.

As a ghost on a weekend I am having fun wandering around the city, today for example is a rainy day and people are taking shelter in their homes. I happened to walk into the house of my hated neighbors, who were watching the film Poltergeist in which the theme of supernatural phenomena inside a house is treated with a lot of suspense. There is a scene of a television set in which the little protagonist contacts spirits through the set. My neighbors were trembling with fear and I took the opportunity to manipulate the TV screen, stretching it outwards as far as I could. Quickly my neighbor pushed his wife and ran out of the room, and she screamed after him, but it turned out that the most feminine voice was that of her husband. They came to my door knocking desperately, but of course I didn't open it because I was having fun making fun of them.

Already satisfied, I made my way to the other side of the city, where in a cold television studio a high politician was giving a very repetitive speech that ignores the point of view of those who oppose it, it is something like authoritarian. The attendees applauded like seals but they did not count on that something disembodied (me), would suddenly appear to manipulate lights and sounds, enlivening such a boring evening with colored lights, electronic rave music, flying microphones, glasses of water spinning all over the place and political propaganda falling from the sky but made confetti. Sabotage! shouts the politician, but many people in attendance begin to move to the rhythm of the rave, I imagine that at home the astonished viewers are also dancing.

I literally fly out of this place that to tell the truth I think was scary for the living and the ghosts and I glide through a sky where the stars are covered with thick clouds from which gigantic drops of water continue to fall and I go to my ex-girlfriend of many years ago with all the intention of scaring the hell out of her, but as I enter her apartment I see how she is happy with her children and her current partner, I really enjoy that she is happy with her family and I am ecstatic watching that nice moment they are having, I decide not to scare them, but I feel how that little girl part of the family manages to feel that there is something besides her parents and her other sister. I gently float a napkin in front of her and she responds with a smile, tears begin to flow from my eyes and fall on the napkin, and I start to think about what could not have been. I go on my way in peace, thinking about that little girl.

Towards the center of the city it feels warmer and I see couples taking shelter from the rain under the roofs of the houses. Flying a little further I find helpless people under the rain, I can see that they are having a hard time and are hungry, and the Central Bank (where coins and bills are issued and kept legal tender), is next to them, I decide to enter and I see with great surprise about 6o people are in a great feast, where there are three types of meals with chicken, meat and fish, I decide to use my power to move things and objects and I make those 60 dishes flying out of a window and falling delicately to where the needy people are, I decided to fly to the main vault of the bank and well I didn't have to go through the walls because it was open with dark intentions, here my power of levitation made me leave the vault and cross the room where the feast was taking place and I directed them to the windows so that they would be taken by the people who were outside.

I forgot that it was raining and well, it is not necessary to say that the money got wet, I know that money will not help them to achieve happiness, but it can help in something, I hope that these people do not get carried away by greed.
I continued on my way and went up to the hills of Caracas, violent places par excellence where there are many people who live there out of necessity and lack of resources, the bad thing is that these hills are mined by large criminal gangs that even have weapons that even the police do not know they exist.

There must be a place where these are protected, so under my condition I decide to look for it by entering the heart of this place where there are also many good people who do not deserve to be threatened or taught to be antisocial. I find a cave that initially is very small, but as I advance it becomes much larger and I begin to see people who are preparing to perform illegal actions, I come across an iron door with many padlocks, entering through its walls I see mortars, grenades, bazookas, missile launchers and weapons of all caliber. I decide to destroy these weapons of destruction, and I start to activate the grenades one by one, I think there are thousands, I throw them everywhere, as a ghost nothing will happen to me. A big fire starts inside the cave that forces the criminals to leave it, meanwhile I continue detonating grenades and I see with joy how these weapons begin to become unusable and even melt in the flames. With this somewhat vandalistic but fair action I am sure I have greatly reduced the power of these criminal gangs that do not leave anything good to the communities.

On the way I realize that I have been Saturday and Sunday enjoying my ghostly state, it's 11:40 pm and it's already going to be Monday: 40 at night and it's already going to be Monday, no doubt on the news I will see what has been the impact of some of my actions, I better fly home before I go back to being myself, I had fun scaring my neighbors, annoying politicians who say much and do little, enjoying the tenderness of a little girl, helping in some way the dispossessed and terrifying those who see no further than their nose, and helping the community and the police a little by undermining the power of a terrible criminal gang.

I hope I have entertained the community with my weekend fantasy story. Greetings to all and happy weekend.

This is my participation in the [Week 121] Weekend-Engagement concept Link Here promoted by @galenkp in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community.

Ghost for a weekend

You are a ghost for a weekend, anywhere on the planet. You can walk through walls, fly and move objects, but you can't touch anyone. What do you do and why? Who are you chasing, if anyone? After the weekend you are yourself again. Write a minimum of 300 words.

The gif is of my creation, these being the fonts used on Pixabay:

Source, Source, Source, Source, Source

The smiley faces and pixelated square effects were added with the free online program Bloggif.

The photograph is my property I used my Iphone 4 cell phone.

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